I was angry for about 13 years until I saw Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson on Dateline. Then I found the Silent Lambs website and eventually JWD, now JWN. I worked that anger out by helping others who are Watchtower victims. When you see the results, it's hard to stay angry. Love conquers all. I've reached out to so many people on line, and it does my heart good to see them progress out of the "truth". One young man, CS the Apostate on You Tube and Candlesurgeon on JWN and JWS is like a son to me. He calls me every few weeks to let me know how he's doing. And he makes videos that help others who are newly out of the cult.
Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson freed my mind from the Watchtower cult, so I paid it forward. I helped others, and they pay it forward. It's pretty cool when you think about it.