ME: So is it the official Jewish position that Moses did not part the sea, call it red or reed. How about all of Moses' many miracles prior to the exodus? Was that all metaphor? The burning bush? The account of the flood? How about manna from heaven? God writing the ten commandments? The fall of Jericho? All of the OT miracles, please tell me, do they believe any of it at all? Even one? I just find that so hard to believe.
YOU: Jonathan, why do you find it hard to believe? Do you think I am lying to you? Do you think I do not know what is going on in the modern Jewish community?
ME: I'm not trying to be difficult, Robyn, and I don't think you are lying. Not at all. I just find it hard to believe that there isn't an official position on this that you can point me to. That there are absolutely no alleged OT miracles that are taken literally as a matter of Jewish doctrine. That's all. You make it sound like Jews are Quakers who all make up their own interpretations and there is no official position on this. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, but until I can see something more definitive, I have to think you are mistaken.