I was speaking about religious practicing jews. I think you are speaking more from the point of view of a non practicing Jew. You are Jewish by hertiage only?
I happen to know several Jewish Rabbis in my area and also attended a class the local synogogue had for Christians to better understand the Jewish faith and and you are correct in some ways some of the Torah is not to be taken literally. But I was taught the Jews do in fact believe Abraham, Isaac, Jacab, etc existed and believed Moses was a great prophet of God. Maybe since you are not a practicing Jew you really cannot say what most Jews believe? I do not know I am just asking.
I learned a lot as a Christian by reading the Torah. The Jews do not have their bible put together like we Christians put together the Hebrew Scriptures. What we call the "old testament", (sorry if this offends my Jewish friends), and they put books like Proverbs and JOB under "wisdom" books. JOB was not an actually person but the book of JOB represents the constant struggle for man to do good while under life's stress and even though he is tempted away from God. This book has other meanings as well. Yes, JOB is a metaphor. Also the book of Psalms are not to be taken literally, they are old prayers and songs to God. However, all of the bible even though written in metaphors or containing prayers, etc teaches some kind of LITERAL truth. That is so in the Hebrew scriptures as well as the Christian Greek ones. That is what the riches are in it and why the scriptures are called a "great pearl of wisdom". When you do not interpret the bible with a narrow view, you get the greater meaning of the texts.
Again, I am not trying to tell you what every Jew believes but I certainly know many who are not completely secular, though many are today, and some Jews do believe that the Bible "characters" in the Torah are real and the histories are real and the prophecies are real. I know because I speak with them every day. And because the Local temple here teaches that this is true.
And as far as being "secular", we can say that about most Christians today too. May claim belief in God but yet prove it false by their actions.
Peace, Lilly