Not only do many of the elders not want to do anything about protecting children from these monsters, sometimes they can be the onces who actively bring them along to the hall.
In a congregation we were in when my son was about 7 the presiding overseer started studying with an inactive (for many years) witness man and brought him along to the Sunday meetings and sat with him up the back. This was a guy who had left his wife and two kids (she had since sent in a letter of disassociation) a few years before. When they were previously in the cong before they split up they were a very sociable family and became good friends with quite a few families with children.
When this man (he would be around 40) was coming back to the Sunday meetings I noticed he used to make a point of smiling at my son when I took him out to the restrooms. For some reason this instinctively made me feel uneasy.
Anyway now he was back some of the young boys who his family had been friends with, had now become teenagers and started to tell their parents of the molesting that had happened at this hands of this monster. Once a couple of them spoke up, others came out of the woodwork from far and wide to tell of their abuse at the hands of this creep. Then it came to light that three of the young teenage boys in the area who had suicided in the past few years had all been victims of this pedophile. Then victims from the community in general (not JWs) started to come forward with their stories - this guy had joined the SES (a volunteer rescue type organisation) and had met victims through there.
So this case was starting to become huge. It turns out that the pedo had an inkling someone might come forward about it so came back to the JWs to somehow show he had reformed.
It was also found out after one of the mothers contacted his ex wife that he had molested his wife's teenage brother. He had kept quite about it up until now as the pedophile had told him that if he told anyone, the pedo would kill his own children. His wife only found this out after all this other stuff was coming to light
By the way the ex wife had never written the letter of disassociation - he had forged it himself to stop any witnesses from talking to her, in case her brother did tell her what had happened to him.
But it had to come to this before the PO did anything and stopped bringing him to meetings. But the PO still kept calling on him to encourage him.
However, much to the relief of everyone, the creep killed himself before it became public and went to court.