New sex offender in my hall

by Iwonder17 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bangalore

    Something is rotten in the state of Brooklyn.


  • Saoirse

    It just disgusts me that the brothers would put innocent householders in danger by sending a pedophile to their door. I guess their kids don't count since they're not JWs!

    I'd send anonymous letters to all the houses he visited letting them know that a former pedophile was at their door. I think they have a right to know.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't think the attorney gave you good advice on this matter . I think you Should tell every parent at the hall . Just because one flake acted stupidly (which the blame falls completely on her btw ) Doesn't mean other families would not appreciate the warning .

    I wonder how a tactfully done letter to the editor would go over in the local newspaper ?. You would not have to name ,names but put out some important questions such as Why Jehovah's Witnesses allow known sexual predators to go door to door in their religious sanctioned volunteer work ??? And why parents are not informed when a sexual predator is in their own halls ?? This may be enough to get some in the hall to ask questions and search records in their area . It also could serve as a warning to the public that when the sweet humble witnesses come knocking at their doors that just maybe they should keep the door closed !

  • sacolton

    Why does this surprise anyone? The simple answer is:

    Jehovah's Witnesses aren't interested in knowing the TRUTH.

    By the way, I've encountered many children who answer the door saying their parents aren't home. This guy is just using the organization as a front to gain an opportunity when it knocks (no pun intended).

  • isaacaustin

    Iwonder17 check your pm

  • QuestioningEverything

    "I've encountered many children who say their parents aren't home."

    The potential for disaster with this situation makes me sick to my stomach. It's disgusting and dangerous for these people to be going door to door.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I truly have tried to warn other families, honestly and no one wants to know. They all feel if the elders deem these sex offenders OK, then they are OK. It is truly scary.

    The only thing that happens when I talk is that I look worse. The elders say I am causing divisions in the hall and believe me everyone runs from me now.

    I just cannot believe it. Sometimes I wonder if I am wrong in this, how can I be the only one in a group of 80 publishers who realizes that a man convicted of rapping his child and other children is not safe to be around any children?

    We had three sex offenders and one just up and moved away and no one knows where he went, nor do the elders really care. The elders say that the sexual psychopath did his crime so long ago back in the 70's that he cannot offend children as he is over it. He has always been around children his whole life marrying woman and yes I mean more than one in the "truth" with little girls and his current wife had a little girl with him who is about 13 now..

    The elders just let him and his wife host a baby shower. Can they main stream this child molester anymore than that?

    I have been told I should call CPS, the police on and on. No one wants to know. I have done a lot of what everyone has said to do. Even a lot of the people I tell who are not JW's do not really seem to care that much. I have been tempted to go to the new media but from the responses I have received I do not think that would work either and I can handle only so much stress with out truly getting so depressed.

    I have pushed myself, stressed myself out and been to the point of a nerves break down and for what really? To just get a 'so what they send sex offenders to my door I watch my kids so nothing will happen to them.'

    I just do not get it but I think that is what Brooklyn is counting on the lack of caring. Most people do not care. Inside or outside the truth. Look at the sex abuse in the Catholic Church, who really cares. Oh of course everyone thinks it is horrible but no one really cares or stands up with and for the victims. We just hear it on the new and then go about our day.

    I think it is the same here. We all give advice to someone else and tell them what they should do and how they should handle the problem, I have heard so many time that if I were you I would do this or that and if I were you I would do bla, bla, bla.

    But the thing is everyone can speak up we all have a voice. We all can call Brooklyn, Patterson. We all can take a stand and tell everyone.

    I do not know what more I could have done. I have called pleaded and begged. I have gotten myself beyond depressed that I can hardly go about my day with such depression as I feel this is so horrible, but I seem to be the lone voice in so much of this.

    Ones like Mr. Flipper and his wife do great. Read some of his past posts. Flipper puts himself out. We need more of that.

  • lovelylil2

    Is this guy a child sex offender? If so he cannot go out in service at all because he will come upon homes with children in them and is NOT allowed to be around kids. He is breaker the law and could be jailed immediately. I would call the local police and turn him in.

    If he is not a child sex offender but is a danger to adult women, I would go to the local paper and have them do a news story on this. You will need to show them proof of his sex offender record along with proof he is going door to door, so you may want to do a stake out, or have a friend do it for you. Stake out the kh during field service and follow his group, just snap a photo of this perve so you have proof.

    I am sure the community will be thrilled with JW's to see them allowing this guy to knock on their doors.

    This same thing happened to my family in the Hingham MA congregation about 7 years ago. That is why we abruptly left this hall after 10 years. A sister came to my home one day and told me that the elderly gentlemen that just moved to our hall, and that my husband and I had been speaking with several times at the meetings was a convicted child rapist. I guess his pleasure was raping little boys. At the time my son was 6 and since we had been in that hall since he was born and before that and knew everyone, we allowed him to use the restroom by himself. The sister came and warned us after she said she hung up with an elder who she pleaded with for an hour to come and tell us because our son could be in danger. He declined and told her to mind her own business.

    Anyway this elder was more concerned about it getting out in the community because it would bring reproach on Jehovah then protecting the smallest most vulnerable sheep in the hall. Well, I went and warned all the other parents with young children and most of them were totally outraged by this. But this one lady actually told me that I could be accused of slander for spreading this around and that we did not know if he was repentent or not but was reinstated so we should leave it in Jehovahs hands. She was not concerned at all and was the mother of TWO boys, ages 6 and 3. I could not believe her reaction.

    Another thing about this elder, he had a young son at the time too. But you see, since HE was privy to the information about this guy, his son was never in danger. What a A**hole.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    As I understand it a pedo is not allowed to go door to door alone, they must be with another publisher ie: elder etc. Does this help? Likely not. If they are so concerned about brothers having beards because they could stumble someone then what the hell? The fact that a convicted pedo is sent to the neighborhood houses won't stumble anyone? These people are whacked. W.Once

  • WTWizard

    New hounder--to do a hounding call with a family with children. Then he will molest the children while apart from the parents, and then silence the children under threat of getting disfellowshipped. That is how they often work.

    Also, suppose this pig gets put on a call, and there are children there. He somehow manages to go on a call alone, and molests the children that way. Don't those witlesses realize that these people can be a threat to the community if they are allowed to go to the doors like that? No wonder so many householders are willing to pull a gun or a can of pepper spray, or sic the dog on the witlesses.

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