Well, he's in good company. "Do not be msiled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.". Can there be any worse association thana child sex offender?
Every congregation has at least one, I can assure you. My JW grandfather sexually abused my mother ( yeah, the family are classic JWs no wonder she's been such a mess all her life after their non handling of such a crime ),and I know of several of these creeps in various halls. They are no different in priveledges to you and I, except they get treated better. What if a child goes to the restrooms during the meeting? Ask yourselves, does it make you shudder ?
Are any of you aware of the Baby P case here in England ? The small baby ( around 18 months) was tortured to death for months by this pychopath, who also has a conviction for raping a two year old. Not a nice fellow I'm sure you'll agree. But get this, he is now, a committed Jehovahs witness, fighting his conviction for the child rape citing that it is an unstable conviction ( she can't give suitable evidence you see )
So, when this piece of human filth is released, if he continues with the religion, how comfortable are the sisters going to be having a man who not only raped a two year old but toirtured a baby to death round their kids. BEar in mind most sister won't know who this man is. Not going to recognise his facve are they ? THis man is EVIL. Still he'll be knocking our doors.
For all those of us who may have sacrificed and lost so much for the truth, such as letting go the sister/brother we fell for because we didn't feel spiritual enough, leaving our worldly girlfirends / boyfriends ( that just smacks of such unbelievable self righteous snobbery when you're out of the ORG) yet we'll have a Pedophile knocking our doors telling us how we should repent and move closer to God. Curse them. To quote Apostle MArk about Hell " Where the worm does not die.". Nice one !