Were You Proud To Be A Witness?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • VIII

    I'm with FinallyFree and Undercover. I was totally embarrassed. In HS, I was supposed to push the Ragazines on people as a way to get rid of overstock. I would take them, tell my Mom I had, and throw them in the trash before I got home.

    I made sure to vary the route so I wouldn't always use the same container. Sometimes I used the work trash (I worked with a JW gal) and sometimes the hot dog stand nearby.

    I just couldn't be perceived as anymore geeky as I already was. Which, in HS, was pretty geeky/dorky.

    So, no, I was not proud. Ever. Besides, once I was still that geek, alive and as dorky as ever after 1975, I knew they were a bunch of frauds. It was just a matter of time before I could get out.

  • undercover
  • Casper
    No, I was embarassed to tell people I was a JW.

    I never did feel comfortable being a witness, I can only imagine how my daughters must have felt being dragged into such a thing. So many regrets !


  • Finally-Free

    Sigh. I remember the day I told my fiance I was dumping her because I was going to join the JWs. It felt so unreal, almost as if I was standing outside of my own body listening to myself talk stupidly. I was saying it and at the same time thinking to myself that I sounded like a f*cking idiot. That alone should have been enough for me to realize it was a bad decision.


  • minimus

    FF, you heartbreaker, you!

  • designs

    Going to prison for not going to war.

  • BluesBrother

    It depended...My "spirituality" was a series of peaks and troughs. In an "up" time, I was proud. I would happily talk to anyone, this could have been after an elders school or a District Assembly, in my younger days.

    When the pendulum swung the other way, I struggled with many issues and felt scared to admit to people what I was . I then hated conversations at work swinging onto religion.

    I now recognize these times as being my real self fighting through the layers of dub teaching. I could suppress it for a while but the realism of the horror of the Armageddon doctrine and failed and changing prophecies would not completely go away. I have never second guessed the final realization that it was all just plain wrong..

  • minimus

    BB, maybe you were depressed!

  • Joshnaz

    I was embarrased to be a JW when I was in it. Even now I find it embarrasing to say I was a JW.

  • minimus

    I have no pride.

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