The are coming in 3 days and Im getting nervous. I am planning to start showing them my incoditional love, asking them questions to make them think (following Hassans suggestions) and I think it would be great if I could talk to some Ex-elders that could tell their story (if I get that far with my parents)
Hi there CyJ. I actually tried what you are doing with my dad when I left in 2006. Here was my plan. (and I didn't panic, but I didn't think either...)
My dad was baptized in 1969, and was still smoking I believe, before they gave everyone a 6 month ultimatum. I think the 1975 is around the corner really hit him hard. Plus, he had a very abusive, difficult childhood from what I could gather.
When I had my JW epiphanies, I left everything at once, after some planning. Mom already left some years back, and thankfully, saw the light first. Dad and Mom divorced, and Dad has been on his own ever since.
He needed, and still needs the religion/cult. My "evidence" showing didn't work too well.
When I visited him, he had a feeling that things weren't going well with the ex, and that I was pretty upset about what happened while I was a missionary. So he listened as I told him about 1914 and the UN. He still wouldn't believe me about 1914 and 607 BCE. Didn't even want to hear it. The UN thing, which I had the letter from the UN, shook him a bit. He said he would write a letter to the branch. I don't know if he did, I bet he didn't.
It hasn't affected our relationship, me leaving. We still talk. I can tell you though, he will not leave. He needs that last thread of familiarity in his life, as all else is gone. His wife, his other son (suicide) its all gone.
After a year or more of not talking, we talked and shared. He isn't going to shun me, though we aren't close, we do love each other very much. It's just how things have worked out for us.
I don't know if my experience can help you, but it is my firm opinion that any JW, regardless of whether they are a parent, relative, or acquaintance, will not see the truth about the truth unless they are ready for it. If your parents want to be JW's, it is likely that you aren't going to change them.
You mentioned that you read Hassan's book. I have only glanced through it. The insights there about cults hopefully will help you to understand the neediness that the JW organization has created, the co-dependency. It is an emotionally, mentally, and spiritually abusive cult. So be patient, and realistic.
If it happens at all, it won't be in one setting. If you do an intervention, may I suggest getting in contact with Randy Watters at who has done several. I don't know the success rate of cult interventions, but they have worked in the past with proper planning.
Wishing you the best in your life of freedom from this destructive cult.