I hope you are kidding, love.
by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I hope you are kidding, love.
Shamus, you are a troll lover!
I Dont kid on Tuesdays... Thats what they said on JW facebook
BRB is serious- only by accident...and not very often.
themadjw, fo
asilentone, foo
C'mon! No more phont accusations? What kinda anti-JW site is THIS????
why wouldn't you even try to deny something as terribly heinous and disgusting as pedophilia????? by you ignoring it, i would think you are. if someone accused ME, i would be pretty pissed!! sooo...... ?? trying not to lie by ignoring the question, are we? you always pull the same crap in EVERY forum. you never answer questions. you just pick one tiny little part of one's posts and bash it trying to pull the attention away from the "meat" of the post. totally over it.
themadjw, I hope your trolling days will be over very soon here on JWN.
Do not feed on the troll, theMadJW.
Isaac: "
Agreed, which is why we should question everything. On what valid basis should the governing body be above this?" They AREN"T: I question them all the time, and admit when theyare wrong; they rarely admit it themselves! I will look forward to seeing what "new light" they give to the word "Generation", now that any 10 year old satill alive since 1914 is now 106!!! |