What accusations do you have about us JWs? AND what group are YOU a part of?

by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    THE MAD JW- My accusation is the JW's are a mind control cult. There is no good or acceptable way for ANY of you to leave the cult without being ostracized or shunned or looked down on by current members. JW's do not HAVE the locus of control of their own minds. They are told and instructed WHAT and HOW to think - always by the leaders of the WT society. If they disagree with the WT society- they are counseled or disciplined - even if their views make sense. This includes how YOU yourself would be treated if the elders knew you were posting here right now as we speak.

    I am NOT in a group. I am an individual who believes in freedom of mind , freedom of spirit, and in promoting human dignity and free moral will. I HAVE the TRUTH in my life ! I promote the truth because I speak the truth in my life. I believe in reality and the truth of life and living that life in the benefit to others and my loved ones. There is no Armageddon, there is no no paradise. I don't expect ANY reward- seeing people flourish in freedom and enjoying free thought processes is reward enough my friend. Living happily in the here and now

  • garyneal

    Speaking as an outsider, I cannot attest to the shunning that they do since I have not experienced this directly. At least not yet, and if someone has been shunning me, I have not noticed it.

    For me, it is their blood doctrine that can potentially be hazardous to my precious child and their hypocrisy over their eschewing 'pagan practices' that has me accusing them of being not what they say they are. Then they judge my religious beliefs are 'false' when their's cannot be proven any more true and in some cases (like 1914) can be easily proven false.

    What group am I a part of? Technically none as it is hard to pigeon hole my beliefs into the teachings of one particular 'group' but for the sake of the people who MUST pigeon hole me, I tend to be closest to Protestant beliefs in general and Baptist beliefs in particular. But keep in mind, I also believe that no one group has a monopoly on truth.

  • theMadJW

    Flipper- you've flipped. If one wants to leave- just STOP GOING! That's it. The elders in the congregations I have been in KNOW I'm on the net, think the FDS are ALL faithful christians- AND hate assemblies. No reproofor DFing. You are just Wrong. You ARE free to believe whatever you wish- no matter HOW foolish. We KNOW and LOVE the God of Jesus Christ, and are patriots of God's Kingdom with Christ as our King.

    Gary- I was SAVED by a Blood Transfusion before becoming a Christian- and will never have one again, knowing God's direction on it! Jesus SAID one group WOULD have a 'monoply' on the Truth; those his God and Father would reveal it to; just LOOK at the empty nonsense churches like the Baptists believe! A three-in-one Oil God that burns billions alive forever!

  • garyneal


    I was SAVED by a Blood Transfusion before becoming a Christian- and will never have one again, knowing God's direction on it!

    Okay, let me get this straight. You had a blood transfusion, it saved your life, but since the WTS enlightened you to the 'truth' you will not have one again. Question: If you had an organ transplant before you became a Christian, and joined the WTS before 1980, would you not have one again until 1980? Then after 1980, you would maybe have one since it became permitted a concious matter?

    Jesus SAID one group WOULD have a 'monoply' on the Truth; those his God and Father would reveal it to; just LOOK at the empty nonsense churches like the Baptists believe! A three-in-one Oil God that burns billions alive forever!

    I tell you what, if you can tell me what Truth is then maybe we can determine whether or not the WTS has a monopoly on it. This should be interesting.

  • palmtree67

    Mad: "The elders in the congregations I have been in KNOW I'm on the net, think the FDS are ALL faithful christians- AND hate assemblies. No reproofor DFing."

    At first I thought you were merely a lunatic.

    But that statement shows me you are nothing but a liar.

    A big, fat one.

    Goodbye. I waste no further time thinking about anything you have to say or reading anything you write.

  • theMadJW

    Gary- ther is nothing in the scriptures about the organs- that I can see.

    And NO; they showed me where GOD spoke about blood- and I did intensive research to prove them wrong (as I did with OTHER subjects), and ended up proving it TRUE!

    I have ALWAYS seen the difference between opinion and fact since the spirit enabled me to see the truth!

    Palmtree- I have NOT lied. Please waste no further time- adios!

  • StAnn

    I think it's interesting that you ask for "accusation" about "us JWs." First, because nothing I would say would be an accusation; it would be entirely FACT and would be me recounting my actual, lived experience of 25 years as a JW. And I would not be able to say anything favorable about JWs or about the WTS.

    The group I am part of is the "birdfood class", you know, the entire human race for which JWs have so much disdain. The group from which one is excluded if one is a JW, you know, the people you're not allowed to associate with because we can think.

    I'm remodeling my house and, one day, it's going to be a real showstopper. Do you want my address so you can move in here after Armageddon, kick my dead body out the backdoor, and live off the fruits of my labor? (And don't tell me that JWs don't talk about that; I remember all of the conversations I overheard when I was in field service. Not an accusation, just a little fact.)


  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    I had a pair of smirking idiot at my door one time. I had stumped a regular Dubber that had stopped previously. So, they sent in a ringer. Therefore, I switched the question. I asked the Smirks, "Can you show me where in the Bible it says transfusions and eating blood are the same thing?" After 4 attemps, they admitted they couldn't. BUT! They would rather be safe then sorry! I told them that they had nothing to offer then closed the door.

    I have no use for an organization that would force its members to kill their own children just because maybe Jehober doesn't like it. The Bible clearly condemns the sacrifice of children. Dubbers attitudes are the same as those that sacrificed children to Molech - "Wow, Jon and Susie are sooo dedicated they put Jehober/Molech before their own children! They will surely be blessed!"

  • garyneal
    ther is nothing in the scriptures about the organs- that I can see.

    You're right, there is nothing in the scripture. At least nothing that I can see either.

    However, the WTS suggested that organ transplants were the same as cannabilism. Look it up on your WT CD-ROM, it can be found in the Watchtower 1967 November 15 pp. 702-704. So maybe you can tell me why the WTS decided to go above and beyond scripture on this.

    And NO; they showed me where GOD spoke about blood- and I did intensive research to prove them wrong (as I did with OTHER subjects), and ended up proving it TRUE!

    I can show you research that proves otherwise but I know that you will probably not even consider it. I guess the only question I can ask you is this. If indeed the Bible does teach that we should not take in blood in any form into our bodies by any means when it says, "abstain from blood," why does the WTS allow for all blood fractions to be taken into our bodies? I know you have a ready answer for this too judging from my experience with other witnesses on this issue. However, this does illustrate how the Society can speak out of both sides of its mouth when it suits their best interests. I just feel sorry for the individual witnesses who are not allowed to use their own minds and conscious to determine what is right or wrong on grey area issues like this.

    I have ALWAYS seen the difference between opinion and fact since the spirit enabled me to see the truth!

    Really? So I suppose all that NEW LIGHT that the society keeps coming out with to explain their ever changing TRUTH does not raise red flags in your mind that perhaps their TRUTH was little more than their OPINION on what they thought the Bible was teaching?


    Flipper- you've flipped. If one wants to leave- just STOP GOING! That's it. The elders in the congregations I have been in KNOW I'm on the net, think the FDS are ALL faithful christians- AND hate assemblies. No reproofor DFing. You are just Wrong. You ARE free to believe whatever you wish- no matter HOW foolish. We KNOW and LOVE the God of Jesus Christ, and are patriots of God's Kingdom with Christ as our King.

    Your an Idiot on your Own website..Your an Idiot Here..

    Your not taken seriously at your own Kingdom Hall..

    It`s obvious your not recognised as a JW anywhere..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW


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