THE MAD JW- My accusation is the JW's are a mind control cult. There is no good or acceptable way for ANY of you to leave the cult without being ostracized or shunned or looked down on by current members. JW's do not HAVE the locus of control of their own minds. They are told and instructed WHAT and HOW to think - always by the leaders of the WT society. If they disagree with the WT society- they are counseled or disciplined - even if their views make sense. This includes how YOU yourself would be treated if the elders knew you were posting here right now as we speak.
I am NOT in a group. I am an individual who believes in freedom of mind , freedom of spirit, and in promoting human dignity and free moral will. I HAVE the TRUTH in my life ! I promote the truth because I speak the truth in my life. I believe in reality and the truth of life and living that life in the benefit to others and my loved ones. There is no Armageddon, there is no no paradise. I don't expect ANY reward- seeing people flourish in freedom and enjoying free thought processes is reward enough my friend. Living happily in the here and now