My Accusation: majority of the JWs (including MadJW) have no idea what the professed 'truth' is......
What Group am I: ACTIVE JW
by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My Accusation: majority of the JWs (including MadJW) have no idea what the professed 'truth' is......
What Group am I: ACTIVE JW
sooo..... madjw... you are a pedophile then? still ignoring it?
Stann- I have NEVER heard nor seen what you imply about my Brotherhood- and I have been a part of it for over 35 years. You must be a HUGE hypocrite- for, after all, you stayed a part of it for "25 years?"- when it was so Eeeeeeeevvvvvviiiiilllllllll! (Said as spoken by Dr. Evil)
I have NEVER heard nor seen what you imply about my Brotherhood- and I have been a part of it for over 35 years.
There is a name for this particular logical fallacy. Is it 'Argument from Personal Incredulity'?
There's usually a Name for ANYTHING!
So you say it's TRUE because I have never seen it in all the years & congregations I have been in?
You must believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster...
(Musta ATE him...)
Nah- it was the Rolling Lasagna Creature...
Notice that none of them stated what church they go to- or if they were just Loners?
I accuse the body of elders that knew Brother Smith was a child molester of keeping quiet and doing nothing over decades, despite the rising body count.
I accuse the Governing Body of ruling by whim, and when changing their minds not forgiving those who trespassed in the past - but who could now do the same thing in good conscience.
I accuse the Governing Body of putting together a most bizarre, illogical, contradictory house of cards regarding the ever-changing Blood Issue.
I accuse the bodies of elders and members of the Service department who handled my father's case of gross negligence, pettiness, stupidity, devil-inspired mean-spiritedness, self-righteous sanctimony and general dumb-assness.
I accuse the Governing Body and its toadies down through the heirarchy of splitting my family to shreds for the past 35 years through it's shunning teachings.
No matter how cool you say your personal situation is, the larger organization is a cancerous blight on the face of humanity that needs to be thrown into the fiery lake of Gehenna.
My "group"? I'm a member of the Conscious Class.
Now...I hope you don't feel the need to exhonerate, defend or explain. I honestly don't give a rat's behind, and I barely took the time to respond to this baiting, sadomasochistic thread - I hope it gives you some sense of satisfaction, in whatever way that it must - I won't take the time to look back in. But thanks for the chance to type a few words of what I've experienced in 50 years, 4 states and too many congregations to count.
Of course, your mileage may vary - and I hope it does.
Sadly- I understand; I've seen a lot of Stupidity in the 40 years I've been in the Brotherhood.
Many wonderful examples, some Pitiful examples.
However, Truth stands on its own; us JWs are just a group trying to live up to it.
(How & why would I WANT defend Pretenders? There are many amoung us)
JW's encourage children and adults to commit suicide (refuse often nessessary medical procedures for themselves or their children) for reasons based in bronze-age blood-worship. People die because of the WT and their biblical stupidity, and they are gone forever. Robbed of what is, for all observable purposes, their one and only life. Unless you can PROVE that these people are resurrected, anyone spreading the JW message is guilty of lying and leading people to an early grave.
This isn't the bronze age anymore. Stop passing your children through fire to Molech. If adults want to die for their faith, that is their foolishness - but stop brainwashing children into killing themselves.
You can make excuses and sugar-coat things for yourself all you like - but you're not fooling US. We see what you really are. JW's are a barbaric people.
- Lime