The original Bible cannon was sealed the in the first century. Anyone who teaches the truth found in God's Word can rightly be identified as a channel of communication used by God. There's a formal recognition of the legal organization in use by Jehovah's Witnesses as this channel but anyone who agrees that they teach the truth found in God's Word can participate.
question for theMadJW and other Wt apologists
by isaacaustin 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
alice mad hater/hatter
Show us from the bible that the GB of JW is a sciptual teaching. There was no 1st century GB. Now I know how you love to put mile ling posts about anything other than the subject at hand when you can't answer, but please can you just answer.
And we know from another thread that MadJW does not believe the GB is the FDS, in fact he admits they are self adored.
WAS- as i
I've stated before, I am a JW because of the TRUTH, NOT because of the WTBS.
The TRUTH comes from the True God, the coprolite from men. I have NEVER believe that small group of men in NY are the "FDS"-but that ALL true Christians are.
Post 1350 of 1449
Since 9/13/2009CLOSE, MB- but I'm neither lashing out, nor looking: if there IS a Faith other than ours that has the Truth- it will come to ME, since I'm out there talking to people door to door.
Frustrated- YES: it's sickening to see such self-glorification in the 'FDS'- but Christ said such are receiving their FULL. I HOPE it doesn't apply to them!
A.I.W is still posting bollocks I see.
The original canon of the bible was not even fully agreed when it was kind of "fixed" in 381C.E Luther and others were still arguing about it 100's of years later.
But 381C.E was the first time an attempt to say what was cononical and what was not had been formally done, before that we just have the opinions of the early Church fathers.
By 381 the Catholic Church had a particular agenda, mainly political and interested in power rather than "truth".
The WT says they went "Apostate" long before this.
And yet this is the Canon the Wt accepts.
"Anyone who teaches truth found in God's Word......... "
The WT has changed its teachings more time than I change my under-pants, and each rejected teaching cannot have been "truth" from God's Word.
So down this "Channel" flows a lot of shit.
The original Bible cannon was sealed the in the first century.
WOW. Absolutely incredible. Talk about JW ignorance. Bible scholars indeed.
I don't even BELIEVE in the bible and I know more about it than the JWs.
Pretty much the whole world knows more than JW's:
- Lime
I don't even BELIEVE in the bible and I know more about it than the JWs.
HintOfLime... I have found the same thing. I asked my MS Father recently how many books were in the Bible. He didn't know. He's been a baptized JW for over 24 years.