If you have a time machine and a sniper rifle - go back and shoot C.T.Russel, not the GB of today.
With the origins gone, the religion dissappears.
by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends
If you have a time machine and a sniper rifle - go back and shoot C.T.Russel, not the GB of today.
With the origins gone, the religion dissappears.
I read in the paper today that they are tryiing out a one shot means to kill prisoners now instead of the 3 injections rule. It put them in such a deep sleep it kills them. It is also painless.
I have mixed emotions on that. Maybe they should suffer. I remember the prostitute that was picked up by one man and her body parts were found scattered in a few different areas...should he have a painful death as she did?
The only one I feel it would protect is the one that is innocent. I am sure there are a few of them that get executed by injection.
I think I could only shoot Hitler if I was a actual witness to his deeds..then I would have NO problem pulling the trigger.
None of that rehab stuff for him...
Go back in time and shoot Rutherford. Without him, Russellism wouldn't even be a historical footnote.
I think the only way (only hypothetical, folks!) to wreck the organization by going postal would be to identify the most rational and level-headed Watchtower leadership and terminate them. The net result would be an organization led by lunatics and crazies.
Suppose guys like Woodward or Arthur Goux led the Watchtower if Rutherford had a heart attack. Goux wanted to (literally) nail Rutherford's rants to church doors across the US, a la Martin Luther.
In the modern day, the organization is losing brothers who care about the friends. What we really need is hardcore nutcases to take power, as merely not caring is not enough. Who's nuts in the organization? Maybe Loesch and Herd.
Godspeed to that
No man is an island....
I guess I would shoot the guy who started McDonalds, then there'd be nowhere for JW's to take a break during field circus. W.Once
You can't change the past, it is a time paradox:
If you go back and shoot hitler and WW2 never happened then you would have no need to go back and shoot hitler which means you didn't go back and shoot hitler...
I gotta read Asimov's Foundation someday and think about "psychohistory".
Try Asimov's "The End Of Eternity"
As long as you have a "Time Machine," there would never be any need to resort to violence. A minor disruption on the evening a Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot was conceived would be all it would take.
The Witnesses today no longer "need" a particular leadership because the movement is large enough to have its own inertia.
But if you could go back in time prior to that point..... As long as we're dreaming, there would be no Witnesses today without a Rutherford, just like there would be no Mormons today without a Young.
Without Hitler it could have been worse. There were any number of Nazi's that bought into the general program, and the worst of the atrocities were carried under Henrich Himmler's orders.
Hitler, who had been a corporal in the army, fancied himself a military genius. Under his command the German military made some staggeringly stupid decisions. The British had been working on assasinating him until about 1943, when they decided that leaving in command helped the war effort for the allies.
I would not want to be the guy that engineered a German victory in WWII.
Where do you begin? Hitler? Where do you end?
That road is endless, just staying with the obvious low hanging fruit. Pick some of it and the Paredo Effect takes over: you see the next low hanging fruit to be picked.
There is no end. Until perhaps you are alone. You keep shaving the bell curve until, like in Niven's "Known Space", traffic violators become the State's next organ donors.
And the Ninth Doctor did indeed bring war to the Daleks (is it to his shame or his credit that he didn't quite succeed?).
Where do you begin? Hitler? Where do you end?
Edmund Burke said that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
The seeds of evil sprout anew for every generation. That is no argument for inaction.
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