If You Could Shoot Hitler......

by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    It was Hitler's persecution of the Jews that forced many of Germany's top scientists to flee to the Allies. He didn't have the scientists to make the bomb, but Hitler's gift of the scientists to the West helped the USA make the atom bomb sooner.

    You can't win on this time travel stuff. Always a paradox is lurking.

  • HappyGuy
    Without Hitler it would have been worse

    Without Hitler there would have been no NAZI victories in the elections, the National Socialist party would have stayed a bunch of fringe malcontents.

    But, now you open up a new can of worms. Who puts worms in cans anyway? But I digress. The communist movement in Germany was pretty powerful, without a strong National Socialist party do the communists take power? If they do now you have a communist USSR AND a communist Germany. OUCH.

    Or, perhaps the general staff launch some sort of movement of their own to counter the communist threat and Germany gets some real leadership, say a General Hans von Seeckt, or a von Bock, or and this would have been horrible for the allies, a von Manstein.

    Now things will get really interesting. The Germans were generations ahead of the allies in advanced weaponry, it was only the idiocy of Hitler and his underlings that kept this technology from actually being used. Imagine a Luftwaffe with jet fighters in 1941. Or submarines that make their own fuel from sea water and never have to surface.

    With professional leadership, Germany could have been a much stronger country in 1940 and their military could have been in a completely different league than the rest of the world.

  • Awen

    I wouldn't shoot Hitler because of all the other people who wouldn't now exist because of his actions.

    Let's say he died at my hands and the war ended prematurely. So my Grandfather didn't die and later on had kids with my grandmother, who didn't remarry because her husband was alive. There would be children born between this man and woman who weren't born thru the seed of the man my GM did marry and not the man who didn't die (my GF).

    Multiply this by the numbers of married men who died in WW2. Then consider the ones who went to the pacific theater to fight once the war in europe was over. Then you have people who may have died then, who may not have done so originally or they ended being divorced by their spouses because of shellshock (PTSD) which they wouldn't have gotten if they had not also fought in the pacific or had not died.

    Then consider that the war in Japan may have ended quicker because of more manpower, and no nuclear weapons would have been developed or employed against Japan.

    So in essence you may actually cause the non-birth or creating different offspring altogether of many thousands or millions of people by killing this man.

    Now who is the criminal?

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