The Two Creepy Commandments

by Farkel 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Now, if I would be able to get my hands on the technology to give them something to worry about (that is, to transform this ugly tub of lard into a princess that is in perfect health and appearance and then get Almighty Lowlife Scumbag out of the picture so something can happen), I wonder if that would make them shut up about it. Otherwise, they would only be creating problems where none should have existed--for themselves.

    Next time the hounders need a favor out of me to put up the hounder-hounder, I will have to refuse to even look into it. Why would I want to be accused of "circumstantial fornication" when the real thing is impossible for me (thanks a lot, Almighty Lowlife Scumbag)? And, why would I want to be responsible for the hounder-hounder and the whole circuit ending up going bust? Ditto if the hounders need me to put up a "brother" that has been in a major disaster and lost everything--circumstantial homosexuality is just as plausible in this case. They are not getting any favors like that out of me--and, if they insist on forcing me into it anyways, they will be sorry when I pull out my Ouija board and start playing solid Christmas carols.

  • jabberwock
    All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments
    it is worth noting that if Jesus could sum up the ENTIRE Law and the Prophets in just 24 words, why was all that other crap written in the first place? We could toss out entire BOOKS of the Bible and not have to be bothered with them at all if God would have just stated those 24 words in the first place.

    Jesus' summary of the Law and the Prophets reminds me of Woody Allen's summary of Moby Dick, after speed reading through it in 20 minutes.

    He said, "It's about a whale."

  • wobble

    Farkel ! welcome back !

    You have not lost your touch, you make us think !

    I wonder though if we all have put too much emphasis on the word translated " Command" ,this word (entole) is often rendered command or law, but many translations use the word "precept" for it at Mark 5v10.

    A precept is a "general rule regulating behaviour and thought" ,doesn't sound so harsh as a command. remember the context too ,Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees who spent much time in "Midrash" interpreting the law, perhaps Jesus just wanted them to get on with life, I don't know.

    These verse sound like a re-telling of the story about Jesus great predecessor Rabbi Hillel , who was challenged by a pagan one day to explain the whole law whilst standing on one leg, he replied :

    "What is hateful to yourself, do not to your fellowman. That is the whole of the Torah and the rest is commentary. Go study it"

    And then he fell over. (not really)

    I notice the great Rabbi does not feel the need to mention God in his summary, perhaps the gospel writer has added that bit in ?

    Thanks again dear Farkel, keep 'em coming.



  • Heaven

    Yay, Farkel! So glad you're back. As always, you have me laughing out loud!

    you can always count on religious leaders to take something simple and make it into complicated bullshit.

    Actually, I've noticed that it's not just the leaders but the people themselves. Just read some of the weird posts on this site. Ok, 'read' is a harsh word... I suggest 'scan' would be more appropriate (if you even want to view them at all) or you'll end up hurling. (Notice I didn't mention any names here... but you ALL know who I'm talkin' about. ).

    But Watchtower people don't live in the real world. In fact, I wouldn't even call their existence "living" in any meaningful sense.

    I was just thinking this very thought this morning while making breakfast. So many things I could mention here. But it was one of my observations once my parents got baptized. They stopped living and started 'waiting for Armageddon' and all that they had been promised that has yet to be fulfilled.

    I agree with you whole-heartedly about 'commanding' love. It just doesn't work. It is not a 'Law of Life' nor a 'True North Principle'. But then, is the Bible REALLY the 'word of God'? I have come to believe that it is not. It is purely man's interpretation of what he 'thinks' God's word is.

  • Jim_TX

    But... but... what if this poor 'sister' got circumstantially pregnant? Think of the circumstantial children!

    (Good posting - by the way)

    I guess you could have accused these 'elders' of having 'circumstantial' impure thoughts towards this 'sister'... putting them on the defensive... but I have a feeling that it doesn't work that way.


    Jim TX

  • awildflower

    I agree with you Farkel! I didn't say I thought the Bible was the "word of God" and I didn't say I thought Jesus was God. I think Jesus was an elightned man speaking the language of the people at the time. To me Jesus words and example can stand the test of time, but the Bible can not. It's like if Jesus were to be here today he would speak those same principles in "our language" and some would get it, some would

  • PSacramento

    That passage has laways bothered me too, that an the one that we must love God before anyone else, even our children, to choose God before we choose them.

    Doesn't seem like a very "enlightened" think to say from Jesus, does it?

  • glenster

    Re: summing up the law in a couple of phrases. If you're going to say "love
    thy neighbor as thy love thyself," you could explain that you mean to not over-
    indulge the self at another's unnecessary hurt or expense, as by lying, murder-
    ing, stealing, etc.--that these specifics are guided by an overall outlook.
    It's not redundant.

    Re: command to love. It's as reasonable as saying I don't want a marraige
    unless we love each other. It's not the same as commanding someone to love
    you--they have the free will to choose. It's a faith matter.

    I don't like to see anyone hurt or killed over these things, so I think this
    is improved with Jesus/Paul, etc. Followers don't have to have a nation with a
    military to defend it, or have the belief or non-belief outlook be the law of
    the land, or have a bunch of ethically unnecessary food and clothes rules that
    put up walls of alienation. I think Mosaic or Sharia law is worse for those
    reasons. Jesus/Paul etc. are more like "separation of church and state." Fol-
    lowers are to go among Jews and Gentiles without giving offense, sacrificing of
    themselves to gain people to God.

    Re: eternal punishment--depends what you make of it. Is it that, or giving
    eternal separation to someone that rejected Him, or even Christian universalism?

    Re: the bad things in life--Job stuff, without explaining all that again.
    Characterizing God by the bad things would be like characterizing the world
    that He's believed to preside over as no more than those things. Job sees all
    the bad things but also God's prerogative and is grateful for his shot at life
    and what good he found in it. That's true even if you don't bring a God concept
    into the consideration.

    It's a faith matter that He's even there. I don't see Him showing up forcing
    anyone to do anything. It's like separation of church and state to me--people
    should get along with each other about their different decisions about it about
    like freedom of subjective reacton to different songs.

    PS: Re: an omniscient God checking out a town--an omniscient God could make a
    localized concern or divine intervention.

  • Farkel

    :Re: command to love. It's as reasonable as saying I don't want a marraige unless we love each other. It's not the same as commanding someone to love you--they have the free will to choose. It's a faith matter.

    You forgot the pesky little fact that if you do not love a potential marriage mate, that mate will merely walk out of your life and you can choose another mate more to your liking. If you do not love a Hitler God, that Hitler God will send you to His version of the Gas Chamber. You only have a ONE God option when it comes to BibleGod. Big difference.

    : PS: Re: an omniscient God checking out a town--an omniscient God could make a
    localized concern or divine intervention.

    That statement makes no sense whatsoever.


  • BabaYaga

    Farkel said:

    You forgot the pesky little fact that if you do not love a potential marriage mate, that mate will merely walk out of your life and you can choose another mate more to your liking. If you do not love a Hitler God, that Hitler God will send you to His version of the Gas Chamber. You only have a ONE God option when it comes to BibleGod. Big difference.

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