Now, if I would be able to get my hands on the technology to give them something to worry about (that is, to transform this ugly tub of lard into a princess that is in perfect health and appearance and then get Almighty Lowlife Scumbag out of the picture so something can happen), I wonder if that would make them shut up about it. Otherwise, they would only be creating problems where none should have existed--for themselves.
Next time the hounders need a favor out of me to put up the hounder-hounder, I will have to refuse to even look into it. Why would I want to be accused of "circumstantial fornication" when the real thing is impossible for me (thanks a lot, Almighty Lowlife Scumbag)? And, why would I want to be responsible for the hounder-hounder and the whole circuit ending up going bust? Ditto if the hounders need me to put up a "brother" that has been in a major disaster and lost everything--circumstantial homosexuality is just as plausible in this case. They are not getting any favors like that out of me--and, if they insist on forcing me into it anyways, they will be sorry when I pull out my Ouija board and start playing solid Christmas carols.