Major Debate :-)

by AwSnap 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    If a man feels it's okay to call his wife his old lady although she is not old, can a woman call her husband her tiny dick even if that is not the case? . Do you call YOUR wife 'old lady'? I think it's disrespectful, how 'bout you?

  • SixofNine

    "old lady" means "wife or common law wife" among the uhm... "rural" set. "Tiny dick" means "small dick" to everyone.

    Hope he has a zen ego or a right sized dick. Preferably both ;)

  • LightCloud

    I believe the comparable name would be "Old man" rather than "Tiny dick". Now if he called you "Big butt" then yes "Tiny dick" would be a comparable expression.

  • parakeet

    My husband would get to call me "old lady" (even if true) just once. His next words would be either "I'm so sorry" or "What do you mean, your lawyer will call me?"

  • SixofNine

    I prefer "Old woman!" said in the Monty Python style.

  • AwSnap

    Ok, first off, the aLL-knoWING Wikepedia says it is slang. Now, what I am saying is that the fantastically gorgeous woman involved

    is not even KIND OF OLD (watch it, sixofnine). Furthermore, if the wife called the husband 'old man' in return, then she would just be a follower. Since she is not an "old lady", that means its a false term. So I say the wife can choose any false name for the man (and, YES, it IS a false name if ya know what i'm sayin). Parakeet, your comment made me smile...

    Lightcloud, if "Big Butt" were the chosen name, then there would be some SERIOUS butt KICKING

  • AwSnap

    ....and Six? did you just call me a redneck? boyyyy oh boyyyyyy, you're gonna get it mister

  • sooner7nc

    I don't know...let me ask the Ol' Lady, and by the way, it's Ol' Lady not Old Lady. There is a difference.

  • AwSnap

    OMIGOD! THAT's WHAT HEEEEEE SAID!!! You fellas are sumpthin' else, ya know that??? That's why I'm actually calling him tAaanny dick. its different, see?

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Do men still use that slang term ?

    I thought that was went out of style back in the 70'S

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