Everything has been fulfilled as the Bible says. It is a matter of interpretation. Let's look at a few
Sign 1. Many people saying they are the Christ. Hasn't happened. Maybe a handful of loons have showed up making the claim in my lifetime. Nothing close to "many."
This is taken generically for those preaching "Christ" or the way but who are false prophets. In this sense even the GB would be included among those claiming they are the "Christ". Christ means "anointed."
Sign 2. You will hear of wars and reports of wars/nation against nation. Wars have ebbed and flowed throughout the centuries. Since the end of WWII, things have remained pretty much the same with no real increase in conflicts globally for 65 years.
You completely missed the point. The "last generation" begins not with regular conflicts but when you see "nation vs nation and kingdom vs kingdom" that is, when a World War erupts is when you begin the last generation. That was clearly WWI.
Sign 3. Food shortages. The 20th century didn't eradicate starvation, and the total number of hungry is up, but the rate of starvation is way down. Food production has boomed and a much greater percentage of the world is being fed than was the case pre-1914.
The "Great Depression" qualifies this interpretation in the post 1914-era, but pre-Holocaust.
Sign 4. Earthquakes. The frequency and power of earthquakes has been consistent and stable for thousands and thousands of years.
Good point. Unfortunately, "earthquakes" is a poor to mistranslation here and should be "tremors" or "agitations" in reference to social unrest in the world in various places. Not actual earthquakes. Sorry about that.
Sign 5. Tribulation and killing of Christians as objects of hatred by ALL nations. Not happening. There is local persecution in various places but mass killing of Christians in all nations? Not even close.
This specifically relates to both Jews and Jehovah's witnesses who did suffer persecution and especially the Jews. So this is fulfilled. Both the Witnesses and the Jews were specific tagets of Nazzi Germany, which fulfills the "disgusting thing in a holy place" the "holy place" being the Jews and JWs. So this was easily fulfilled during the Holocaust.
Sign 6. Stumbling/betrayals/hatred. Hard to quantify.
This is easily fulfilled by the state of the WTS after the death of CT Russell. There was betrayal and stumbling.
Everything has been fulfilled. In Matthew the "great tribulation" is the Holocaust. It is not Armageddon because it is completely over even before the second coming occurs. "Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days..."