With all due respect, you sent me to a page where the book of Enoch is being reviewed as to its contexts and it gives someone's interpretation of Enoch I.
You started out saying that Enoch refers to himself as "son of man" in Enoch 71:14, and when I pulled out this book and looked it up, I found it says no such thing at Enoch 71:14.
Now you are copying over a statement made on some website giving the interpretation of another person. That is not what I asked you for. You said Enoch refers to himself as "son of man", and the writer of the article you copied also makes this statement. What I am asking you for, because the writer does not cite where to find this specific statement from Enoch, is do you know where in Enoch says he is the son of man? Please cite the specific text, for it is not in 71:14
I have the book itself and would like to look that up in the context to see if it is true. I have to go to work now but will be back later tonight or tomarrow. Thanks Lilly