Many JWs Have A Smug Punky Attitude...What About ExJWs?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • dig692

    I think any ExJWs with that kind of attitude either learned it from the borg and its just engrained in them now, or like another poster stated, they found another religion or answer to life that they feel is the truth so they are smug about that instead.

    Its just human nature, and some express it to a higher degree than others

  • miseryloveselders

    I think the smug punky attitude can apply to anyone who has a label they have to live up to. I quit summed it up for the JW crowd. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with "the friends" where there was a constant game of one-up-manship in regards to spiritual goals, spiritual accomplishments (which are really organizational accomplishments), and knowledge (I hate feeding the speaker, imagine an entire table of people outdoing one another with what they know, speaking with food between their teeth). That same attitute carries over outside the hall.

    For the record though, anybody with a label they have to live up to can present the same smug attitudes in other walks of life. Think about the outward conservatives overusing words like, "liberal" in a negative sense. By the same token though, I can point you to the bisexual employee at Starbucks who can't understand why you don't appreciate Radiohead as much as they do.

    I think everyone has an overflated sense of ego at times, some worse than others. I noticed on here, the ExJW's arent as bad, but I did notice some of the ones who I believe were never JW's have a certain superiority element in their posts. The run of the mill Trinity threads can be an example, although I won't mention names. (let the reader use discernment!) At the same time I don't want to judge to harshley because you can't sum up a person's character entirely based upon what they post here.

  • snowbird
    That being said I think most of the people on this forum respect others beliefs and their past history as a witness has made them less likely to claim they have it all figured out.

    True, that.


  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Well what do you expect when they have been brain washed to believe they whole world is corrupt and evil except themselves.

    That would F.. up just about anybody over time.

    One of the reasons why I cant stand being around JWS is their over abundance of ignorance strung together with arrogance.

    Ex-jws can be even more annoying because of their expressive need to do all the supposed naughty things they were held back

    from doing as a JWS. It takes years for most ex-jws to develop a mind of their own and to create their own self identity due to

    controlling oppression of that religion.

  • Farkel

    :Many JWs Have A Smug Punky Attitude...What About ExJWs?

    Smug punky attitudes by ex-JWS is strictly limited to the smug punky folks who also happen to be ex-JWs. Other than that, there aren't any.


  • Robdar

    I have spent a lot of time in the arts and smug punks are a norm. I find it amusing and it doesn't bother me.

  • minimus

    Methinks some of us are smug punkies.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    When I was a teenager I thought I new it all ,I was full of zip zap zing and even in my early twenties as a JW I thought that I knew most of the crucial truths about life. Like the saying goes ," ask a teenager while they know it all." Now I cringe at some of the things said and done but I must say I didn't behave smugly or act in a way to deliberatley hurt anybody. It was probably the enthusiasm of youth kicking in. Now that I am long in the tooth , older and maybe a little wiser I am still learning from every day events. As for speaking out to criticise the JWs' it's not with smugness or arrogance it just comes from life experiences and being aware of the bigger picture.

    I have spoken to young JWs and older ones for that matter and some have acted smugly many have had that confidence of blind faith which can lead to later turmoil in their life .Many will go to their graves with that vacant smile on their face not realising the true history of The Watchtower and all its enfolding ramifications. If a Witness converses with you he or she will think , "why can they not see the way I can see it" and we in turn think the same about them. If we get a little agitated with them it can come over as arrogance that is why we need to be able to state our facts clearly which can sometimes be difficult because we are probably not debating the issues as often as they do and we have better things to attend to in life, even if their little learning is a dangerous thing.

    I just wish everyone on this Planet would get on well with each other because life is too short and none of us are going to get out of this World alive. Think about this for a minute when you are young ; some day you will turn around and you will be old and wonder where it all went and why it went so quickly. So enjoy life as much as you can we only get one shot at it and help others to enjoy it as often as you are able.

    Trying not to sound smug,


  • bohm

    Gosh - I just hate the attitude that rules among the young people in JW. They are so selfcentered. Everything they do have to be so different and their way of behaving so much smarter than other people. Rembember their parties - the clothes they wore, and the speaking tone they had. Everything was just crazy, and they loved it that way! They loved that people thought of them as cool....

    Dont know if I explained this very well - nor if its like this in other countries.

    Love, Miss Bohm

  • Satanus

    At around 15 yrs, i knew everything. I think it was my brief encounter w drugs that caused me to lose 90% of that stupendous body of knowledge and understanding of all things. How else to explain having everything in your head, and then losing 90% of it in such a short time? Cruel world;))


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