Many JWs Have A Smug Punky Attitude...What About ExJWs?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    It's just tough to always be right, ya know?

  • ziddina

    "That being said I think most of the people on this forum respect others beliefs and their past history as a witness has made them less likely to claim they have it all figured out...."

    Yeah, I Quit! What Sylvia/snowbird said... You nailed it!

    Almighty Homer, you made me laugh! "Well what do you expect when they have been brain washed to believe they whole world is corrupt and evil except themselves. That would F.. up just about anybody over time. One of the reasons why I cant stand being around JWS is their over abundance of ignorance strung together with arrogance."

    Yeah, I had a smug, judgmental attitude for a loooong time - partially due to the WTBTS; partially due to the dysfunctional parents. One day I woke up and realized how little information I was actually receiveing because I was DOING ALL THE TALKING....

    Hmmm. Guess I'm not over that yet...


  • yesidid

    I have had a bit to do with a born again fundamentalist Christian lately.

    He knows my background and never misses an opportnity to knock Witnesses beliefs.

    Of course I don't believe much of the Witness teachings anymore. But neither do I believe what he teaches.

    Talk about Smug Punky. He is the Smugist Punkyst person I have EVER met.

    Smug and Punky is not confined to JW's


  • AllTimeJeff

    Smug and Punky can be an asset and a liability at the same time.

    I know I am smug and punky sometimes. It's how I was raised. (I don't like that about myself, but it is the truth... I have to catch myself)

    Being an ex JW has also, interestingly enough, taught me what real humility is, and not merely how to act humble, or worse yet, talk about how humble you are...

    I have smug and punky friends, so it isn't a deal breaker. The opposite of smug and punky I guess would be an unsure nice person? There are times in this world where you have to be smug (i.e. confident) and not so nice. I wish the world were different, but it is what it is.

    I don't hold a persons personality against them, unless their personality is causing me real problems in my life. And by "real" I mean "REAL", not imagined.

    I don't think ex JW's have any more or less problem with this then anyone else....

  • Lillith26

    I was a lovable bitch before I studied- I am now back to my norm... the only change is, I now wear a nice big cross on my necklace around town and make a point of saying hello really loudly and friendly to passing JW's at my son's school- it makes them look like asses when they just keep walking with their heads downs and is a great conversation starter for anti witnessing when the other mums ask why they are being so rude, when I was being so nice ... hehehehehe, no wonder they 'unofficially marked' me /

  • AllTimeJeff

    Lillith, if you can make yourself look like Ozzy Osbourne with your big cross, that would be even better.

    I realize this may make you smug and punky though....

  • finallysomepride

    Yes, it is difficult to stop the attitude, especially if one is born into it like myself, I have to fight everyday not to be like it, & I have not had anything todo with jws for 7 years

  • tryingtoexit

    I found a lot of people on this site reply to me wit dat arrogant/cocky attitude, it turns me off from posting a lot. Like I done already had to deal with strict parental guidelines I always rebelled against, the elders actin like police men, the Governing Body's rules, and now my wife and her needs. The last thing I want is to get online and have people acting all funky on the internet. I just ignore em, but it's still gay as hell to me, life is too short to be acting like a know it all, extra knowledable, been through every experience in the world so I'm better than you type of attitude. Lot of people aint no different than a stuck up Witness chick who think she's the finest woman to walk the planet.

    I pray I never give off dat type of vibe

  • Robdar

    Methinks some of us are smug punkies.

    Mini, I appreciate your smug punkies.

  • Robdar

    BTW, I am always a little suspicious of people who show no signs of smugness or punkiness. It's been my experience they are sneaky and passive aggressive (which is a cowardly form of smug punkiness). It's also been my experience that quiet people are usually hiding some inner freakiness and you never know when they will spring it on you. Give me a smug punk anyday.

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