I wasn't a smug punky dub, and I'm not smug punky unbeliever now.
Frankly, my most outstanding quality is my humility. And I'm the modestest person all of you nutjobs will ever have the privilege of reading the posts of.
Deal with it.
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
I wasn't a smug punky dub, and I'm not smug punky unbeliever now.
Frankly, my most outstanding quality is my humility. And I'm the modestest person all of you nutjobs will ever have the privilege of reading the posts of.
Deal with it.
I think I am a sweet heart, my old mom hears that bullshit over the phone (the tie in to the meetings) I hear the pampas egocentric comments that is said, and I can’t believe I made my kids set through that shit.
Trying to Exit,
"Dat" isn't a word in the English language.
"Wit" means wise, as in "I am a WITch (well, I am!
Please don't make me (I won't speak for the rest who aren't OCD JWN editors) have to translate your writing. Write in English, pretty please.
Dovey (of the OCD JWN editor class of one
PS If you must flame me, please remember that I was nominated for this position!
It's also been my experience that quiet people are usually hiding some inner freakiness and you never know when they will spring it on you. Give me a smug punk anyday.
Ditto! Couldn't agree more Robdar... Esp in JW land, its the quiet (elders) that you have to be the most cautious of. The ones who had actual personalities with a pulse for their soul were usually just harmless. Same out of the borg too imo.
Billy, I knew more modest people then you. But then again, you did spend a lot of time at bethel, where evolution causes long timers to grow an extra arm to pat themselves on the back....
ATJ: "Billy, I knew more modest people then you."
Liar. God's gonna get you for that one, Jeff.
Because, when it comes to humility...
...I'm #1
B the X ... are you sure you should be going into law? I think comedy is one of your greatest strengths. Thanks for making us all laugh! We sure need it.
As for the smug attitude, I have definitely seen it in my father (an MS) in the past. Not so much now... he's losing his mind. Interesting how aging humbles all of us.
ATJ: "Billy, I knew more modest people then you."
Liar. God's gonna get you for that one, Jeff.
Because, when it comes to humility... I'M #!
Billy, that 3rd arm Bethelites have, did you use it to point this out? We should have a game of humility chicken! Actually, there was one elder who was so humble, he would pray in his prayers about how worthless he was, and that we all were, how he hoped the almighty YHWH would forgive them, and help them to remain humble. That was funny! Remain? Really? After making us feel like shit, you think that humility is our problem before the almighty tribal god of the Jews?
This is why smug and punky JW's are usually prime suspects to leave at some point. Because smug and punky people generally have a bullshit limit they are willing to take, even if it is set high.....
Billy, I'll be the humble one and say you are more humble then me. I'm #2!
"This is why smug and punky JW's are usually prime suspects to leave at some point. Because smug and punky people generally have a bullshit limit they are willing to take, even if it is set high....."
I had to be the smuggiest and punkiest JW teenager I knew...
Hard not to be, since birth I was brainwashed to believe: 10 hours a month, answer at every meeting, volunteer for everything and your poop will smell like roses. ....Oh yeah, and Jehovah blessed EVERYTHING I did!
Besides, isn't the point of the preaching work to tell people "I am right , you are wrong. I will live forever, you will die SOON! My God is real, your god is not".
The message they preach is smug and punky!