Ex-JWs, How Many People Have Left the WTBTS Due To Your Efforts?

by ziddina 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ziddina

    And, while we're at it, what did you feel was the best technique/were the best techniques for 'awakening' JWs to the problems/threats within the WTBTS??

    I was initially awakened by the realization that the bible writers had no clue about how the earth really worked - which meant that their god had no clue, either. When Exodus 19: 16-19 was read in the KH, I realized (as a young child, 7 or 8 if I remember correctly...) that those bible verses were describing a VOLCANIC ERUPTION - and the Isra-EL-ites - and their 'god' - were TOTALLY CLUELESS as to the true nature of that eruption and mountain...

    That was my first eye-opener... Then there was the fellow - a householder - who said to me when I was a cute kid at the door helping 'spread the word', "Those people are using you!"

    Instinctively I knew he was right, but I didn't have [buzz phrase] 'full discernment' at that time. Still, just that one comment really woke me up...

    The final straw was when, in my late 20's, information began coming out about child battering and I realized that I had not been 'lovingly disciplined in Jehovah's kindness' by my parents for 15-odd years, but that they'd used me as a 'whipping post' upon whom to take out all of their frustrations.

    Then there were the anti-college-education teachings - the sly flip-flops on that subject - but the FINAL STRAW was when the WTBTS called for "Computer programmers to program our new printing presses - and they must be..." Are you ready??? Drum roll, please....!!!

    "COLLEGE-EDUCATED, not 'self-taught'..." !!!!!!

    Those were the most prominent issues - oh, and the fact that there were 7 sisters to every not-very-attractive-but-full-of-himself brother, too...

    I was OUTTA THERE!!!

    SO! What were the factors that made you leave? What was MOST EFFECTIVE in helping you to exit??? And how many people have you helped to leave - or scared away from the WTBTS?



  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I left in the early 80's on my own instinct of corruption and coercion played out by the WTS.

    The connection with a money making publishing house and god always disturbed me somewhat and I knew

    what they were proselytizing to the public could have been crudely constructed to cull the readers toward them in a disingenuous way.

    My instincts have proved to be right.

    People are fortunate today because they have the inter-net to do some personal research on the WTS..

  • yknot

    My frustration with the WTS started in the early 80's......turned me into a reformist in 83' .....and a person convinced the 'secret apostate' had infiltrated by 85'.......but than the mid-nineties came and we saw some let up......I enjoyed the koolaid once more.....

    One day back in Aug 07 I was trying to get to wt.org....googled jehovahs witness out of laziness and misclicked onto JWD..... my eventual admittal of the 'LIE' was after reading the PDFs provided by wonderful posters of the Rutherford era.....refining period my arse!

    Since then I tried to fade the following summer but failed miserably........figured if I was trapped I would make the best of it....

    While I haven't got anyone out...YET......... I have gotten a lot to 'misbehave' against Slave protocol! And I have managed to rubber stamp, label and hand write JWN's addy on public WTs/Awakes ......sometimes with added outrageous quotes from WT pubs past.

    I had my first self-outing a while ago at a local store when I talked to the wife of a foreign language congregation.......they were buying toys and we were discussing our scores of Black Friday when she confessed her hubby was a JW....converted 3 years ago from RCC. I asked her if she wanted him to be a JW, she said no...... I gave her some questions to bring up in the next year, gave JWN's addy.......and (wait for it......).. ..........my alias! I walked away excited and freaked out by the possibilities.

    I hope she has had a chance to lurk some, her hubby is one of those who checks her history

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I see that in your case, it wasn't one thing, or person, that got you out, but a combination.

    Very few of us are out due to the efforts of one person.

    Most of the success stories I have seen have been due to family members staying, or going, undercover until they had rescued their family.



  • ziddina

    Yup. Cumulative factors. But "helped to leave" meant that one would have had a positive influence in warning someone away from the WTBTS' "koolaid", as I've heard it described. I like that term...

    'Course, one could have 'helped' someone else to leave, and never know about it. Like that householder who made that "They're using you" comment to me - no way could I ever find him again and thank him for his words...

    I just hope he continued making that comment to every JW who showed up on his doorstep... Thank you, all, for commenting! Zid

  • dgp

    If it's any consolation, you guys have helped someone not to get entrapped. Never been in, never will be. Me.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    ziddina ; good topic I recall it was the may 15 or aug 15 1968 wt that said along with others that told us young kids to forgo college and become carpenters, toilet bowl cleaners, and shit shovelers. because we would never grow old enough in this system to recieve the fruits of education. or retirement. they were even saying that the war in vietman was the start of armageddom. with the U.S.S.R. being the king of the north and taking over the united states and britian. what a load of crap.

  • Tuesday

    Right now the number that left due to my videos is 115. I find the most effective thing is the JWs hate speech towards my questions that I ask. I try to be as open and honest as I can be, by doing that people see me as a person they know I'm not putting them on or anything.

  • JPT

    I wish I could help somebody out of the cult, like my wife.

    But I helped several get in. And they are still there, most are elders or missionaries all believing they're doing all this work and labor for GOD.

    Isn't the world just full of people believing they're doing everything for God. It just boggles the mind.


  • ziddina

    Cool, Tuesday! You've got a - uhm, that wouldn't be a 'body' count... A 'happy-free-human' count! [How can I shorten that...??] Hmmm. 'Freed souls' count??? 'Enlightened eyes' count?? 'Released slaves' count??? (help me out here!!!)

    Judge RutherFFRAUD, I've been reading your old posts under your old 'alias'. I see you're from the Bronx; or it's your 'stomping ground', at any rate... Could that influence your style of approach??

    Just out of curiosity, why did you switch aliases?? (P.S.... I like what, uhm, Ultimate Raindrops (????) said about your style... I can see why many hail your aggressive technique, but I feel that ??Raindrop's first post on ah - your 4th or 5th thread, I think - critiquing your approach... I think he made some valid points about your style...)

    We can hijack this thread and talk about it!!! Zid

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