Only need answer if you have already researched, come to an understanding, or have seen this and currently figuring it out. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then question doesn't apply to you as I feel it's information that is only understood at the right time and to those allowed to get understanding of it.
***If you would like to give me some answers, but feel the information can't be posted publically or your restricted in whom to give it to, feel free to message me directly. That's also why I am asking these questions in a way in which only you would understand, but I do not know how to find you otherwise.
1. God's Kingdom and the return of it, have you seen it described as literal, with a literal temple on earth with literal waters and trees of life, also the temple described as being inside of you with waters inside of you, and also as a heavenly kingdom which either rules from heaven or comes to earth with waters and trees of life (either real or symbolically), have you concluded what all of them mean and which is true or how all descriptions may relate to eachother from the supposed difference.
2. Have you come upon the paradox of knowledge vs faith, in which more knowledge could mean condemnation vs ignorance. Is knowledge only for elect and non elect are better off without it or is full knowledge to be broadcast to all.
3. "Get out of her my people if you do not want to share in her sins" - "I am sending you as sheep amidst wolves, to be cautious as servants yet innocent as doves" - how do you take the two statements to relate, have you solved this paradox, currently working on it, or have no idea what I'm talking about?
Look forward to any responses or messages.