Tim Kilgore vs. E-Watchman GETS BLOODY!!!

by Tuesday 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    Hey folks, again the videos aren't as exciting as the title makes them seem. I'm trying to be pun-ny since we're dealing with the blood doctrine here.

    I think here is a fantastic example of how you can respond to the textbook answer about how fractions of blood are accepted, even to the point of reconstituted blood and not the whole blood itself. It does involve a slight knowledge of what makes up blood, but not a whole lot. The first video is my initial Tough Question, the next one is E-Watchman with a very stock JW answer to the question and finally my response to this stock answer. I hope it helps everyone here....




  • TD

    Well done!

    Robert King is predictably dishonest on this one topic for some strange reason. --Always has been.

    For whatever it's worth, here is some additonal information.

    The function of the erythrocyte membrane is to keep the hemoblogin safely encapsulated. Normally, free hemoglobin in the circulatory system is toxic because the molecule is a vasoactive tetramer which in any quantity, will cause catastrophic renal failure.

    (With hemoglobin based blood substitutes, this problem is overcome in one of three ways: It can be cross-linked into longer molecular chains, it can be conjugated with polyethylene glycol or it can be polymerized. Optro by Somatogen is cross-linked, Polyheme by Northfield is polymerized and Enzon's PEG-hemoglobin is conjugated.)

    Current JW policy allows simple protein clotting factors, but it does not allow thrombocytes. (Platelets) --Yet another incomprehensible twist to the doctrine. Thrombocytes are technically a cellular component of blood even though in humans, they are simply irregularly shaped, non nucleated cell fragments.

  • Tuesday

    Wow, TD you know far more than me and I thought I had to look at this from all angles. We never really got into blood in college, I only took a basic Anatomy and Physiology course though.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    What TD said.

    Great vids Tuesday and very informative comment TD!

    Marking this for future use.



  • moomanchu

    Like the Pharisees did, the Watchtower is doing .

    Do whatever it takes to, C.Y.A. It always comes down to $$$ and power.

  • Tuesday

    Thanks Open Mind, hoping you'll be able to use them in future.

  • Farkel

    Which was was Robert King? The guy in the red? I used to debate him all the time.


  • Tuesday

    Yes the one with short hair debating the Pro-JW stance.

  • bohm

    Hey Tim! I love your titles! Im really happy you got him in on one of the 'hard' topics - dont let him escape!

    One thing that stood out to me in his response: "Jehovahs witnesses have delt with this in a very responsible way". wtf, organ transplants and vaccine ban? clearly that was NOT responsible, NOT biblical and pretty fun in light of the scriptures he himself brought up 5 minutes later about not making up arbitrary laws.

    I want to say you handled it a lot better than i could, so when i add my sugestions i am aware you are far more skilled than me in these kinds of debates, but I think its clear that his tactic is to go bla bla bla for 7 minutes and then not give a straight answer to the questions you give him. I think the best way to avoid that is to keep your videos short and ask him only ONE hard question in each video (so its clear he is avoiding the issue).

    Anyway, i think its a very interesting discussion, i hope you keep him on the blood question and do not allow him to rat out before he has given straight answers.

    To quote Worms I: "First Blood!".

  • Tuesday

    It seems he's not really making responses to my response videos. I thought forever about just coming on and asking a simple question without all the talking that I normally do, then I realized that it could technically go anywhere unless I narrowed the scope. That's why I wrote out long responses to lead up to the questions.

    The point of the second video is to show that it's not a cut-and-dry conscience matter because there are all sorts of little rules involved in which portions can and cannot be transfused and it was to also show that JWs are being kept in the dark about what makes up blood as I'm pretty sure all the things that I mentioned he's not too familiar with or he would've mentioned it in his response.

    I have to say, I'm no more skilled than anyone here in debate, I just have alot more practice thanks to all the comments on my videos. :)

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