Actually, all the good points you raised were addressed around 8 years ago by a former poster named "Gedanken." He was a friend of mine. I spent many hours socializing with him and in his home. He is a former JW. He has a Phd in Chemistry, and was a Professor who taught at UCLA and collaborated with Princeton and UC Berkeley on various projects. He taught at Utah State University when I first met him.
After he looked at all the acceptable "fractions" the WTS allowed dubs to "voluntarily" take, he concluded that there was only ONE MAJOR component of blood that was not on their list. Water. So if "water" was also an option on the back of the blood card, dubs can basically have a normal blood transfusion. But due to the idiocy of the pharisaical Watchtower Printing Corporation, the only drawback is they can't take them all at once together. They just have to take them all in broken up chunks, one-after-the-other, which as we all know is exactly what Jehovah intended with his "Slave's" Bible-Based instructions which are so vital to our physical and spiritual health in these trouble times.