This is to me another sign of the change in JW land. JWs used to have a bold, dignified confidence. They used to feel that they had the one and only doctrinal truth and they weren't scared to say it. They thought they could defend their beliefs. But now they're realizing otherwise. The JW leaders must know that their doctrine can't be defended and that their history is full of false prophecy, wrong teachings, and other wrongs.
JWism* is no longer the bold, serious religion it once seemed to be. It is selling out. It no longer seems that the end is anywhere near close. JWdom is settling in for the long haul. It's starting to get cutesy when it used to seem more dignified and noble. As Simon once said, JWism is becoming a lifestyle religion. It's trying to become more mainstream, more appealing.
If the end is imminent, why are they so worried about cartoons and computer animation? Did the Apostle Paul need such? Aren't the words in the Bible enough? JWs seem to spend more time on cartoons and such than they do on deep Bible research and analysis. But, really, that's because they're now scared of deep Bible research. They know their doctrines can't stand up to it.
JWdom is now about commercial-looking KHs and cute cartoons when it used to brag about its modest buildings and its emphasis on the Bible and serious Bible study.
It really does seem the organization is becoming more commercial in nature. As has been said before, it just ain't the religion it used to be.
[*I use the term "JWism" when I'm referring specifically to the religion of JWs, and the term "JWdom" when I'm referring to the whole realm of JWs (the religion, the organization, the culture, the mindset, etc.)]