Introducing myself.

by Danni 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    Beetle I wasn't talking about witness policy or the religion in general. I was talking about the people. The religion itself causes a lot of heartache, for those on the outside AND the inside.

  • dungbeetle


    I forgot to give you that hug in my former post.

    Oh, was there a topic to this thread...

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • Danni

    dungbeetle: Anyway, the best that can be said about the Jehovah's Witnesses, especially their leadership, is that they are in a LOOOOOOT of trouble right now. The United Nations is pissed at them, France and Russia and Greece are pissed at them, thousands of their own present members are pissed at them, and the United States is looking at them VERY VERY hard right now. And I can guarantee you that before too
    long many of the South American and African countries are going to be looking at them very very hard very soon.

    Now that's funny!! Don't tell me it's the knocks at the doors. (being smart)..

    I have read there's no freedom but you don't appear to be in fear of speaking your mind.

    dungbeetle It's just that when they ARE wrong, people die. Especially women and young people.

    Explain that please.

    dungbeetle Oh, was there a topic to this thread...

    Nice sense of humor.

  • dungbeetle

    My email's open if anyone needs it...

    I go to bed now..

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • neyank

    Hi Danni,

    Welcome to the board.
    Law enforcement? How long have you been on the force?

    As far as you going to the meetings and becoming a JW,
    if I remember right,years ago being in law enforcement or having any other job with the gov. was considered bad.
    It was thought that the person with such a job was working for satans gov.

    Now it's possible that there is "new light" on that matter.
    Or in other words,the rulers of the WTS changed their minds.

    You're right that individual JWs are not evil.
    They are misguided.
    However being misguided is no excuse for treating people badly if they screw up or decide that the WTS is not what they claim to be.

    They are victoms. That is true.
    But they are still accountible for their actions.
    And I'm sure you being in law enforcement know all to well how people use their victomisation (is that a word?) to act in dispicable ways.

    Stick around the board. You'll learn alot.

    And as they say on Hill Street Blues, LET's BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!


  • thinker

    Hi Danni,
    Here's my view of JW's. They are mostly like other people. The bad parts of the religion are this: 1) No independent thinking; JW's are told NOT to think for themselves, just accept whatever the WT says. 2) Isolation; don't associate with anyone not a witness (This is why your friend is afraid to take you to his KH. 3) Shunning of all former members.
    These three things are what cause people to call them a cult.

    Just as with any religion, there are JW's who are active and still break the rules. The difference is JW's have to be much more secretive to get away with it.

  • Richie

    Hi Danni...
    Welcome to this board. I just read your queries and comments on this board. To give you a quick answer, I have to agree with "thinker": he put it in a nutshell about the witnesses. But I will get back to you and give you a deeper analysis by going to the bottom of this organization.
    Meanwhile I am happy that you are here and that you are open-minded about everything and look at the pros and cons in an objective way.

    Richie :*)

  • Celtic

    Hello Danni

    The Witnesses are a curious lot, but like mant people around the world there is good and bad in everyone. Its just that for some, the power over others goes to their heads a bit too much. Like any other hierachical organisation there is a split knowledge base between the people at the top (fat controllers) and the everyday levels below. The people at the top say, 'you will do as you are told, or you will 'die'', whilst the people on the everyday level ask why that must be so. The fat controllers answer by saying, 'do not question our authority, you must accept, if you continue to ask questions of us, you will die at armageddon'. Sounds far fetched right?

    In essence, whilst we may not have received literal threats of being killed off if we didn't agree, we were warned that we would be 'spiritually' bumped off if we questioned too much. This is the practice of disfellowshipping or put another way, complete ostracism. Cut off entirely from fellowship with family and friends, everyone you've always known.

    I'm trying to put this all simply, but probaly not doing a very good job of it, how to choose the words, come on Mark.

    They put themselves and teach that their organisation is beyond the law of the land. Where any conflict arises that threatens their structure, they depend upon their own mechanisms in favour of Satan and his demons system, i.e. guys like you who in their eyes represent evil and sin. They believe they have the sole rights to truth over all other peoples belief structures. There is no middle ground.

    Are they a cult at all or just disguised as one, disguised as a religion or are they a mind controlling corporation, basically a legal and publishing company, set up as a mlm hierachy, enrolling free labour members and passing themselves off as religious? If there system was anywhere else in society, for a lot of the harm they do, there activities would be banned with immediate effect.

    I'm sorry to be so difficult to understand, I still can't write with clarity my entire feelings and understanding of this group of people and the negative effect they have on many individuals lives.

    Good to see you here though.

    Kind regards


  • neyank

    I posted that it used to be bad acording to the WTS, to be in law enforcement or any other goverment job.

    Does anyone have the old teaching handy as well as any possible 'new light' on the subject?


  • expatbrit


    I don't believe there has been a change in this policy.


    Hello and welcome to the board. I think you've received some good advice here. My comments can be summed up as "research research research the JW's". Given your choice of career (which I assume you enjoy and find fulfilling) you should especially concentrate on the JW policies and attitudes toward witnesses having careers that involve the use of firearms. In addition, find out the attitudes towards career-minded independent, assertive and confident women. Ensure you know where women fit into the Watchtower view of the universe. Don't just accept off the cuff answers, becoming involved with the JW's to any great extent will affect your whole life. Ask tough questions and stick to your guns.

    One thing: the fact that your JW friend has become involved with you (a "wordly person") to even this extent will be viewed as a weakness on his part by the congregational elders. This is why he is uncomfortable about having you turn up at the meetings.


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