a dub at my door said my childs abuse was an isolated case !

by looloo 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mary
    they seemed quite shocked about what happened to my child but said it would have ben an isolated case!

    Of course it was. That's the only explanation a Dub's brain will allow them to come up with without exploding from "too much information". Witnesses have always been smug as they just know that their religion is superior to all others. They're also well aware of the pedophile problem in the Catholic Church and have gleefully pointed their finger at them for decades whenever the media reported fresh new scandals amongst the priests. For them to acknowledge that the WTS is no better than the CC would bring up too many other disturbing questions that they simply refuse to deal with. Therefore, cookie cutter answers like the one this asshole gave you is the only feeble answer they can give before making a quick getaway.

    Did he offer any sympathy for what had happened to your son? I doubt it. They don't give a shit. Their only concern is protecting the 'reputation' of the Mother Ship. Everything else is secondary.

    i informed them , that there had been 3 victims , and that another child molster in the congregation had caused many other victims , so in just one congregation that was an awfull lot of children who were victims of child sex abuse considering i was once told it was a safe haven ! he told me that this wicked system would soon be over !

    Another stupid, useless answer to a very serious problem amongst God's Chosen Ones. If this 'wicked system' will soon be over, does that mean that religions like the WTS who have protected pedophiles over the years will also "soon be over"? Not to their way of thinking. When another religion is exposed for pedophilia, it's 'proof' that they "originate with their father the Devil", but when it's the Witchtower members that are (literally), caught with their pants down, suddenly it's catch phrases like "persecution" and "the Media being run by Satan" bullshit, which float through the Halls like sewage floating on water.

    i said "i know you mean well but did you realise that your religion has been saying that for over 130 years ? he laughed and said "no, i didnt know that ! i dont think he believed that bit !

    Another wonderful example of how selective the Borg's history has become. This guy is either a liar, a newbie, or just another brainless moron who's never bothered to examine the history of the Society. Or maybe he's a combination of all three. How can a Witness not know that this crap has been spewed out for over a frigging century now?

  • lepermessiah

    Isolated - yeah right......Sorry for your pain.

    Every congregation i have been in has examples.......some with several victims.

    This is just another example of how white-washed everything is in that organization.

    If people knew the truth about it (for example, where your money goes when you donate to the Worldwide Pedophilia Fund Work) they would freak.

  • babygirl30

    The other line they use is "Well they were never really a Jehovahs Witness to begin with because Jehovahs Witnesses would never do those things." So...total deniability.

    Oh my God...I thought my mother was the ONLY person to repeatedly use this 'line' whenever a JW acted the FOOL and got caught up in something wrong! Go figure.

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