Wow, I could have wrote that if I weren't so busy being pissed about people who don't see the world as I do.
I really believe this, and I thank you Terry. I think my age and maturity (I am all of 35) get in the way of me being more accepting sometimes. I don't know why (truthfully) that political threads in particular get to me. Granted, we all have our list of ideologies that once adopted, make us @$$holes in the eyes of some.
And that is the point. Does the fact that a person holds a polarizing, opposite ideology, or religious belief (aka, lack therof) to yours make that person your enemy?
For the sake of intelligent discussion, does the fact that a liberal jackass or a conservative jackass is debating you make the liberal or conservative arguement less compelling?
I know sometimes I look at what I write and get pissed that I get upset, and let it out. I always say for example that BTS and I would proabably enjoy a good beer together, esp if Olbermann or Beck isn't on the TV. (you know that made you laugh BTS)
Terry, the best thing you said is that you have to be willing to be wrong to be honest.
I wonder, no, I don't wonder, I am pretty certain, that being a former JW, and having certitude as a form fitting piece of the JW uniform we had to put on, makes us a bit confrontational.
Think about it. We are used to at least saying we are right. To some degree, surface or deep, we all believed it. We have for the most part, moved on religiously, but are the attitudes still there? Are we honest enough to admit that if we really listened deeply to the other side, we might be influenced, even change our minds? And would changing our minds and being (really) humble be something too much to swallow?
I commented on this in a thread I started a little while back: From a Know It All Religion to a Simple Know it All.
I fear at times I have regressed. Not that I am voting Republican in 2010. But, maybe I should be willing to be influenced by others, esp if they are willing to do the same.
Good thoughts Terry.