I left school at 16, did labouring jobs all my life (even now) . i remember before my dad left a few years before he wanted to start up some sort of insurance policy for us kids for later in life but was scoffed at by mum because well, we would be in the new system soon (75 was yet to come).
Dad left and was ridiculed for going to college... ha! he'll be dead before he even finishes... well, now he has RETIRED from being a chiropractor.
i never got told to manage money, we only bought our first house because the govt threw money at us and we sold it later to go pioneering. Bought the second house when kids came along ( we were never going to have kids... armageddon was too close) so she could have her own place to paint whatever colors she wanted instead of renting. It was not for the future.
got divorced and lost everything
spent 10 years struggling financially so i never saved a cent
now, 37 years after the WT imprint on my brain, and with a new wife considerably younger than my 47 years, i am finally having to deal with the need to provide for the future. I dont particularly want to spend my 'retirement' having to work but will probably have to.
we are finally able to save for land or a house deposit but real estate has gone insane here and i cant see us paying off 400K in the next 15 years.
i dont really blame anybody, i do wish my dad had been involved in my life though, it may have turned out different, i do wish my JW step dad had taught me about money like my sons JW step IS doing, but bottom line, i do resent the WBTS keeping us all dumbed down and wish i had thesmarts to go against the whole mentallity of 'it's around the corner' and planned for the future... ( but then again, the cow of an ex wife would have taken all that too!