I would think this would be a great spring board to start interesting conversations with the hubby!
"Honey, I was thinking about the CO's observations. You know, how he thought the system would end, but it didn't?
I wonder about the people who are working at Bethel, and have never been paid much. Do you think the WTS has a nice rest home waiting for them? Cause, you know, they won't qualify for SSI. And after all the years of faithful, free service, it wouldn't seem right if they were just booted out on the street when they can no longer work."
Oh, yeah. Honey! A friend brought up an interesting thought. What do you say to someone who points out that dying at Armageddon seems like a more viable option? because you do still get be resurrected, after all. Yet, you don't have to watch loved ones being killed, devoured by worms and birds, and then have to bury the billions of bones left. Then there's the JWs having to clean up and build everything without power tools, etc... (No pollution in the "new system".) , just using wheel barrows, shovels, and hand saws. Working like that so a bunch of non-JWs who never lifted a finger can just come back and enjoy it all. Seems like it would be better to die at the Big A and rest until all the work is done. "
"Oh, one more thing, Honey Buns! A non-JW asked me a question that I just didn't know how answer. I was tellin' them all about the constant state of resurrections that would be going on during the "new system", and they couldn't quite grasp that. they asked me to show them in the Bible where it says specifically that this will occur. I tried, but then they pointed out Rev. 19:4-5. It appears to say there is not a resurrection during the 1,000 years! What do you make of that, Honey? It seems to only be speaking of TWO resurrections. One before, and one after, the 1,000 yrs."
Of course, I know this all is easier said than done, but it is kind of fun to think about what you wish you could say!
I would like to know what the heck the filthy rich WTS has to offer for those who do put their lives on hold to be a slave to their printing company. They should be REQUIRED to pay some sort of restitution to those who were duped into thinking the world would end and they wouldn't need SSI and Medicare. SHAME on them!