"Because talks are often delivered with local needs in mind, we could easily misconstrue points from a
circulated recording, since we would not be aware of the setting in which the talk was given."
Hmm. That sounds like what "we", that is, the Society, could easily do when using the Bible. Taking scriptures out of context, like Proverbs 4:18, for example. By that same logic, we better not make copies of the Bible for people.
"In addition, it would be difficult for us to verify who gave the talk and when, so that we can have confidence that the information
presented is up to date and accurate."
The fact that the information presented becomes outdated in the first place should tell us something. The Bible never became
outdated--"Christ impaled" doesn't become outdated! That's why people can still use it. And why we can't use material printed
just 10 or 20 years ago!
"Further, circulating transcripts or recordings of talks might tempt some to give or accept undue attention and honour."
Now, wouldn't that be the pot calling the kettle black? The slave spends whole articles glorifying itself, so coming from them, it is
pretty irrelevant.
Given that our message is supposed to be so wonderful that it should be preached worldwide, why is there a need to suppress the
recording of talks given to the public, many of them coming FROM THE SOCIETY ITSELF?
Let the reader use discernment.