BOE Letter on Mothers to be

by JWFreak 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    GB getting involved with pregnancy..........


    ps. Please don't ask me for a pdf scan, as the copies I get are interbranch copies from the US branch with individual coding on them

    December 16, 2009


    Re: November 2009 Awake! article “Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies”

    Dear Brothers:

    We are writing to draw your attention to the above-mentioned Awake! article on pages
    26-29. It is common for some people to view childbirth as a natural and benign process and not
    to appreciate the risks and complications that can occur with delivery. Furthermore, a lack of
    professional prenatal care can lead to childbirth problems, such as excessive bleeding, obstructed
    labor, infection, and anemia because of prematurity, which often involve blood transfusion.

    In order to make sure that our brothers benefit from the information contained in that ar-
    ticle, you may want to kindly direct prospective parents to carefully review the material. Do not
    overlook how easily and effectively you can help them by simply drawing attention to the mate-
    rial contained in the magazine, including the footnote on the value of contacting the local Hospi-
    tal Liaison Committee (HLC) as needed. At the same time, it would be a kindness to offer assis-
    tance if they desire to contact a local HLC member in their search to locate a physician who can
    provide quality obstetrical care to patients who are Jehovah’s Witnesses. Furthermore, the HLC
    can provide doctors with a helpful comprehensive document entitled Clinical Strategies for
    Avoiding and Controlling Hemorrhage and Anemia Without Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics and

    Thank you very much for your loving efforts to provide protection and care to those who
    are close to welcoming a new member to their family.—Isa. 32:2.

    Your brothers,

  • sspo

    From birth to death the loving GB will direct your steps!!!!!!!! @#$%^^& (*&^%^

  • minimus

    and if a prospective mother doesn't follow these "suggestions", what do you think will happen?

  • Sapphy

    I wonder why there's no mention of 'sisters' in the letter. I know brothers and brotherhood are meant to encompass men and women but it just sounds stupid in a letter about pregnancy.

    "In order to make sure that our brothers benefit from the information contained in that article, you may want to kindly direct prospective parents to carefully review the material..."

    Our pregnant brothers, would that be?

    Sapphy, of the met Emma Gough's motherless babies class.

  • WTWizard

    Evidently, they are drawing attention more to the hounders. That way, the hounders will make sure the mothers do not receive blood (nor will the baby), in case of a medical problem. It is obvious that getting pregnant is full of possibilities for complications, but even the flawed FDA's advice is better than what comes from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.

    But, what else can you expect from an organization that plays down crimes against children, including having them being molested? Or, that goes out of its way to devalue life to the point where people will kill their children just to give them a chance at "the new order"? (I am sure KoolAidMan has posted a few of these incidents last August).

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    I remember the time when they told us that now was not the time to have children because the new order was here, Responsible child rearing was the article. that was back in the 70's.


  • mrsjones5

    "I wonder why there's no mention of 'sisters' in the letter. I know brothers and brotherhood are meant to encompass men and women but it just sounds stupid in a letter about pregnancy."

    Sisters don't count, they're only good for rendering the marital due, birthing babies, and field work. They should not have an opinion on how to push those babies out.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    It would also be a "kindness" 'to direct them to the Dutch study which concluded that JW mothers in Holland are 6 times more likely to die during child birth than the general Dutch population.

    Thanks for sharing this insider information with us JWFacts.

    Vive la Resistance!


  • MissingLink

    They've been getting bad press lately because of mothers bleeding to death giving birth.

  • skeeter1

    Why in the world is the Watchtower pointing brothers to an article about anemia? Anemia is a s-l-o-w loss of blood, not the real reason why JW women die with ob-blood issues. This BOE letter is trying to calm the brothers, hoodwinking them into thinking there is a solution for the JW women. There is, it's called "packed red blood cells" or "whole blood."

    Is the WTS trying to blame a woman's death on not getting pre-natal care or calling the HLC? What is the HLC going to recommend for hemorrhage blood loss?

    The REAL problem with blood loss and JW women is EXTREME HEMMORAGGING during vaginal childbirth, c-section, or hysterectomy.

    Why in the world is the Watchtower pointing brothers to an article about anemia? Anemia is a s-l-o-w loss of blood, not the real reason why JW women die with ob-blood issues.



    Causes of postpartum hemorrhage and their incidence
    Uterine atony70%
    Retained tissue10%

    Causes of postpartum hemorrhage are uterine atony, trauma, retained placenta, and coagulopathy, commonly referred to as the "four Ts": [ 1 ]

    • Tone: uterine atony is the inability of the uterus to contract and may lead to continuous bleeding. Retained placental tissue and infection may contribute to uterine atony.
    • Trauma: trauma from the delivery may tear tissue and vessels leading to significant postpartum bleeding.
    • Tissue: retention of tissue from the placenta or fetus may lead to bleeding.
    • Thrombin: a bleeding disorder occurs when there a failure of clotting, such as with diseases known as coagulopathies.

    [edit] Management

    [edit] Medication

    Intravenous oxytocin is the drug of choice for postpartum hemorrhage. Misoprostol may also be effective is oxytocin is not available. [ 2 ]

    [edit] Protocol

    A detailed stepwise management protocol has been introduced by the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative. [ 3 ] It describes 4 stages of obstetrical hemorrhage after a delivery and its application reduces maternal mortality. [ 4 ]

    A Cochrane database study [ 5 ] suggests that blood loss and the risk of postpartum bleeding will be reduced in women offered active management of the third stage of labour, rather than expectant management. However, the use of ergometrine for active management was associated with nausea or vomiting and hypertension, and controlled cord traction requires the immediate clamping of the umbilical cord.

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