BOE Letter on Mothers to be

by JWFreak 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustThatGirl007

    According to the WTS, lack of professional prenatal care can lead to childbirth problems, such as:

    excessive bleeding: Um, no. Lack of prenatal care does not lead to excessive bleeding. Hemorrhaging, episiotomy, excessive tearing and uterine rupture can lead to excessive bleeding.

    obstructed labor: How?? The body labors. The uterus contracts. The body pushes. No need to count pushes, either.

    infection: Again: How?? I don't even know where to begin with this.

    anemia because of prematurity: Many people, even adults, are anemic. This doesn't mean everyone needs a transfusion. There is a non-transfusion treatment (according to for preemies with anemia:

    • The hormone that causes the body to make more red blood cells is called erythropoietin. We can give a form of erythropoietin, called r-Epo, as a medication that causes the body to make red blood cells. Giving r-Epo can help reduce the number of blood transfusions that a preemie needs, but it takes time to work and is very expensive.
  • Joojoobean

    "Furthermore, the HLC can provide doctors with a helpful comprehensive document entitled Clinical Strategies for Avoiding and Controlling Hemorrhage and Anemia Without Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics and Gynecology."

    That document is routinely given to all pregnant moms in the UK:

    Control and subdue!

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