It has often been said that there is nothing worst to use during an argument than a BAD ILLUSTRATION
now let's take alook at YOYO MAMA attempt to explain away the unexplainable
Well I will illustrate: What does the White House spokeperson do? Well he addresses the media on many issues concerning the President.
## so far so good##
He represents, at that point, President Bush.
## now this is where the JW argument gets real weak- you see when
Ari Fleischer - The Press Secretary --steps in front of the White House Press cor; there is NOT ONE PERSON IN THAT ROOM WHO QUESTIONS as to whether he is authorized to stand before them-
now constrast that with wt --the only folks who don't question the FDs are JW who have been told not to- can you imagine the nATIONAL PRESS cor being to not to question if this man has the right to stand in front of them####
When So what he says, is as the President were saying it.
##NOW THIS IS very powerful cause now we see him saying that WE SPEAK FOR GOD HIMSELF and we all know in order to do that you need inspiration and they claim no inspiration##
Can the spokeperson make a mistake and say something he shouldn't? Of course,
##yes the white house spokesman can do that-but not a spokesman for god and his next comment reveals why##
then the President would ask "what did you say that for?, you should stick to what we've told you".
## Perhaps so , but he would lose his job after a couple of blunders since so much is riding on him getting the message right- same with wt 6 billion folks lives ride on them getting it right
this is a very interesting phrase:
"you should stick to what we've told you"
now that would be ok if it were not for the fact that they claimed that their last understanding was thru NEW LIGHT AND NOW THIS NEW UNDERSTANDING IS THRU NEW LIGHT
now what is it???###
Then the spokeperson would go in front of the media and make the correction of his statement.
Could you please Produce Corrections that say we were wrong on the 1914, 1925, 1975, blood fraction, transplants, alternative service and most recently the gen of 1914 not dying off-
instead they have blamed the "Press" as it were by saying:
Some in their eagerness, some speculated, etc they have always blamed the rank and file instead of saying the FDS got it wrong
when a dogma is shown to be wrong they try to spread the blame thur out the jw community, instead of just at the top where the dogma started off at in the first place###
## this word above has to be the most MISUSED WORD in the JW dictionary- where they will make a long drawn out statement about an issue and then attempt to TIE IT INTO something that doesn't even fit with such as :
the Faithful and Discreet Slave represents Jehovah here on earth.
##the above is the funniest -for it is true cause "WE SAY SO"-- great argument##
Their publications are based on the Bible, so it's as if Jehovah were saying it.
## Well we have pointed out on many occasions that despite demanding that their members and mankind believe it is based on the bible we have seen so many examples to show it was merely the guesses of men###
Can that slave class make mistakes? Yes, and Jehovah is probably thinking to himself "Where did they get that from? Who told them to say that?",
## well according to the Wt everything they say Jah told them to say it --I guess they lied-- and he sums it all up by saying:###
"In that sense, the Witnesses have the guidance of Jehovah by means of his holy spirit."
## did we not go thru that "SENSE" THANG here last week
AND OF course what make his illustration so weak is the fact that the Press are ALLOWED TO CHALLENGE EVERY SINGLE DAMN THING HE SAYS
A unlike a jw who is caught challenging almost anything
never are the press cor thrown out for questioning the wt house spokesman- yet try that in wt world
so YOYO MAMMA tell your next bible student that he too can Question anything just like the press cor as one of jw