Identifying Michael the ArchAngel!

by wannabe 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kurtbethel

    If I accept the Jesus is Michael, and it is of any importance to do so, that creates a problem. Since God is responsible for inspiring the scriptures and the contents thereof, then by not coming out clearly and saying this, like he does with certain things like describing laws and sins, he evidently expects people to play bible hopscotch to cobble together verses in a game of Guess the Doctine. There are many pitfalls in this method of discerning meaning and God would know that. If he meant that to be the way it is done, then he is deceptive and evil, and unworthy of worship.

  • PSacramento

    Who is Michael?

    A valid question.

    First of, why was there no mention of him ebfore the Book of Daniel? or why did NO ANGELS have names before the Book of Daniel?

    Daniel states that Michael is ONE of the princes, how many are there? some say 4 others 7 ?

    While the term Archangel is only applied to Michael, it is only used in the NT and in the EPistle of Jude and in quoting from a book that is not "canoical" and while it Michael is prominant in Revelation, we must also see that Revelation borrow HEAVILY on "non-canoical" book such as 1Enoch, a book that states that Micahel is ONE of the 7 Archangels.

    Back to the Book of Daniel, it mentions 2 angels, Gabriel and Michael and none is mentioned higher than the other and nowhere does Daniel mention or put Michael higher than saying he is ONE of the princes and that he is the Prince that is "in charge" of Israel.

    OT non-canoical literature states that ( as mentioned in Revelation) each "country" had its "angel".

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