The problems of playing bible hopschotch is you can make it say: "whatever"! You Wannbe
Identifying Michael the ArchAngel!
by wannabe 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Same. Life is good and it sucks at the same time Isaac. Thats quite the negotiation to pull off.. :)
I hear you. Ups and downs. I am sorry about what you are going through family-wise.
I think Steve Irwin and John Denver were the same person. Did anyone ever see them in the same room at the same time?
I used to say that about Tom Petty and Martina Navratilova...
We now rejoin our previously scheduled ramblings of a Bible thumper already in progress...
You know, (just as a momentarily serious note on the subject) - I have long wondered on the insistence the JW world (and a certain masonic poster) has on this idea.
I think it may be because it is a roundabout way of avoiding and denying the trinitarian idea of Jesus as God.
Regardless of interpretation......
Does any scripture instruct Xians to refer to their savior/mediator by any other 'proper' name in the NT?
It seems this kinda of thing can be compared to debating 'geneaologies' it detracts from the overall Xian message
Just saying.....
Yknot : Regardless of interpretation......
Does any scripture instruct Xians to refer to their savior/mediator by any other 'proper' name in the NT?
It seems this kinda of thing can be compared to debating 'geneaologies' it detracts from the overall Xian message
Just saying
Yknot, that can be said about 90% of everything else that Christians groups argue about with one another. Whether its the Trinity, Cross, works vs salvation, etc.. Lately I'm starting to wonder if all of this is a hey-to-do over nothing. Some days I wonder if the half naked men running around in the jungle with foot long cones on their penises are better off than us in that their lives are less complicated. Their lives consist of mating, eating, arguing over who's cone is the longest, and then dying. Us on the other hand end up in Message Board forums like this due to debates over what the Bible writers meant when they wrote this or that, or what Jesus meant. I'm kind of burned out myself.
What I have on it is on pp.6b to 10 at the next link:
The mainstream identity of Jesus has a much better case for what's intended by the Bible.
Hebrews 1:5-6
For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father"? Or again, "I will be his Father, and he will be my Son"?
And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him."
Where has the original poster gone?