Reg Vardy, the fundie car salesman now has two schools in the North East of England. Emmanuel College and Kings Academy. The following extract from a report in The Guardian from 2005 gives a flavour of their ethos.
Vardy's Christian beliefs are shared by John Burn, sometime head of Emmanuel College and now education adviser to the Vardy Foundation, and Nigel McQuoid, principal at the King's Academy. Papers they have co-authored give a flavour of their stance: "If relativist philosophy is acceptable, then sadomasochism, bestiality and self-abuse are to be considered as wholesome activities," runs one. "It is very important that young people begin to realise that activities which are 'private and personal' often degrade oneself and are not necessarily good and acceptable." By way of clarifying the latter position, McQuoid recently told the Observer that "the Bible says clearly that homosexual activity is against God's design. I would indicate that to young folk."
Most notoriously, Vardy schools accord equal importance to both creationism and theories of evolution.
For a publicly funded school to be allowed to poison children's minds in this way is a national disgrace. It is an abuse of power and tantamount to abuse. Blair was huge fan of Vardy and defended his indoctrination of young minds in the House of Commons in 2002. Its past time for the govt to put an end to this. I would write to my MP but he's Lib Dem so I may as well write to the House of Commons janitor.