British Tories pledge to stop creationism in school

by cofty 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wobble

    The real alternative used to be the Monster Raving Looney Party ,which seems to have gone quiet in recent years.

    They were full of great ideas, like the 99p coin, to save all that loose change when you bought something for £1.99.

    Now with policies like that, if they field a candidate I can vote for , he or she gets my vote.



  • cofty

    Reg Vardy, the fundie car salesman now has two schools in the North East of England. Emmanuel College and Kings Academy. The following extract from a report in The Guardian from 2005 gives a flavour of their ethos.

    Vardy's Christian beliefs are shared by John Burn, sometime head of Emmanuel College and now education adviser to the Vardy Foundation, and Nigel McQuoid, principal at the King's Academy. Papers they have co-authored give a flavour of their stance: "If relativist philosophy is acceptable, then sadomasochism, bestiality and self-abuse are to be considered as wholesome activities," runs one. "It is very important that young people begin to realise that activities which are 'private and personal' often degrade oneself and are not necessarily good and acceptable." By way of clarifying the latter position, McQuoid recently told the Observer that "the Bible says clearly that homosexual activity is against God's design. I would indicate that to young folk."

    Most notoriously, Vardy schools accord equal importance to both creationism and theories of evolution.

    For a publicly funded school to be allowed to poison children's minds in this way is a national disgrace. It is an abuse of power and tantamount to abuse. Blair was huge fan of Vardy and defended his indoctrination of young minds in the House of Commons in 2002. Its past time for the govt to put an end to this. I would write to my MP but he's Lib Dem so I may as well write to the House of Commons janitor.

  • Gordy

    Anyone know of a school in Britain that actually teaches Creationism?

    I think they would be jumped on by the local authorites for not teaching "equality and diversity" in education.

    Lets face it you can loose your job here for just wearing a cross round your neck.

  • slimboyfat
    Its past time for the govt to put an end to this. I would write to my MP but he's Lib Dem so I may as well write to the House of Commons janitor.

    There is every chance your MP might be in the party or one of the smaller parties that hold the balance of power after the general election.

    The idea of basing one's vote to any degree on the issue of creationism is schools does seem to me a little bizarre, living as we do in a bankrupt country facing unprecedented multiple crises.

  • besty

    There was another bankrupt country that allowed extreme views to take root - oh yes - Germany - 1933....

    Better to stamp on the crazies - hard.

  • slimboyfat

    Those were 'crazies' whose political philosophy was based on a social Darwinian conception of survival of the fittest as I recall. Just saying.

    Personally I would not have creationism taught in schools, but as political issues go it is not high on the agenda as far as I am concerned.

  • cofty

    Well I won't base my vote on any one issue, as I hinted in my OP I don't have a lot of time for the Tories. Its ironic that the party I despise so much has come up with a policy I agree with so much. Now if they could come up with something equally sensible on a myriad of other policies....

    Anyone know of a school in Britain that actually teaches Creationism?

    Yes loads of them including the two I mentioned above.

    Dozens of schools are using creationist teaching materials condemned by the government as "not appropriate to support the science curriculum", the Guardian has learned. - Guardian 27/11/06

  • metatron

    My God, who gives a s**t what they believe? How does Creationism make any difference in day to day existence? How many kids aspire to be biologists? How many stand any chance of getting there anyway? Do you think sports hooliganism and drunkeness might be bigger threats to society?

    All over the world, this attitude appalls me. An utter lack of common sense in governance. Either that, or a deliberate distraction engendered by politicians to avoid the horror of managing national bankruptcy and discussing it with the public.

    If the most popular boys name in Britain is "Mohammed", do you think you might have a much bigger cultural problem than a few nutball Christians? And if you manage to beat down Christian fundies, why not try the same techniques with Muslims and test your bravery?


  • besty
    My God, who gives a s**t what they believe? How does Creationism make any difference in day to day existence? How many kids aspire to be biologists? How many stand any chance of getting there anyway? Do you think sports hooliganism and drunkeness might be bigger threats to society?

    I do. Religious fanaticism has no place in the education system, and most definitely not in the science class. If you are new to the subject of fundamentalist influence on education and what their long game is I recommend as a starting viewpoint.

    If the most popular boys name in Britain is "Mohammed", do you think you might have a much bigger cultural problem than a few nutball Christians? And if you manage to beat down Christian fundies, why not try the same techniques with Muslims and test your bravery?

    Metatron - you need an introduction to John Smeaton - the Glasgow Airport baggage handler and one man anti-terrorism unit - Al Quaeda are not coming back to Glasgow anytime soon.

  • metatron

    Absolutely! How could have I been so wrong ? You're so convincing!

    Why the evils of teaching Creationism are just so much more important than a nation headed for bankruptcy. I'm sure once you get those Fundies in line, why the Muslims will just recoil in fear of the same treatment. And they'll all assimilate very politely. And everyone will be happy ever after.

    Clearly, Creationism is the real issue in Britain's future. All that stuff about an unsustainable economy and food production worries and the North Sea oil drying up and a 20% VAT tax and jobs that are lost forever and an eroding national culture are just a smokescreen.

    Yup, Creationism is the logical priority. I couldn't imagine anything more important. Stay on the Creationism issue and don't worry about the other minor details.


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