How much Dawkins have I read? Enough to know that he's a reptile. Like most elites these days, Freedom of speech applies to him and not others who think Darwinism is a myth - and it is he who referred to Milton as "stupid" and "loony" and so forth ( Shattering The Myths of Darwinism, pg 268).
Comparing Britain to an African nation is only relevant if you are discussing nations headed to bankruptcy. Come to think of it, those such nations are a good example of what may happen economically if the real PRIORITIES aren't addressed.
And .......comparing fundies to Muslims - who fight against education for women by killing them, beating them or throwing acid in their face or burning down female schools - is foolish. Nor do any Fundie types I have ever heard of practice honor killings of their daughters as a religious habit. If you know any women who wear makeup, are they accosted or yelled at by strangers as 'whore" in predominantly Christian neighborhoods? In Britain? And Muslims?
What would happen if a Christian leader advised husbands to beat their wives? Would the reaction to a Muslim Iman earn the same controversy? Is the difference explained by cowardice?
Can Hollywood people freely condemn or satirize Jesus? Are they willing to do the same with Mohammed? Why the difference? What are they afraid of ?
And assimilation : Do Fundies commonly assimilate all the time? As they grow mature? As their kids drift away? The answer is yes. How about Muslims - even after 50 years, as the study I cited points out. Which is safer------ being an 'apostate' in Christendom or an Ex-Muslim within any Muslim community? Which is more likely to get you murdered?
The NY Times article about the US founders means little. The Founders were plainly influenced by Deism but had no problem with the notion of God as Architect or Designer. A great nation ( until recently, at least) developed by Creationists who rejected a personally involved God. End of story.
Christians have always been stuck with the command to "love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you". Although such a standard is widely ignored, it's always there to nag the hateful in Christendom. Show me any equal command in Islam..............