the week before some elder would get up on the stage and say "were all looking forward to a week of increased activity" we would think no no no some people seemed excited some seemed scared or maybe reverential not being raised in the org I never quite understood what was so special about him he was just some additional elder who came around once in awhile and we had to endure more meetings and talks.
Life On Hold: The CO Visit Week
by sacolton 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When at Bethel, I knew of certain Bethelites who would purposely schedule their vacations, so as to completely miss the CO's visit. There was simply no advantage to being there.
Think About It
I never really cared for CO week. There was only one that I really liked. My butt kissing skills are not that good and when you combine that with not being raised or having connections in the org., you are just another person to them.
Elders were expected to be there and only gone if it could not be avoided. Kinda like your boss scheduling a performance evaluation.
Think About It
You have to book your vacation time like 6 months in advance at work, but that clown(CO) can book his visit only a month or so ahead and sometimes change at the last minute. Then all can look down on the one on vacation, but it's the other way around. Brother circuit overseer think ahead: make your arrangements well in advance.
typical WT though. keep your life on hold in case something happens.
I knew elders that went on vacation during his visit; I guess that had some time share that could not be switched. For years he and his family only attended one CO visit a year.
In this area hunting is big and many elders and MS go religiously; COs found out the hard way that there would be no elders at his visit in many areas if he scheduled his visit then.
Snoozy, what a sad story, but so typical. It sounds so unbelievable that your husband wouldn't have been a priority at that time, but only those of us who are, or were, in can understand the mentality at work here. I'm so sorry for your loss.
One thing I can say about the CO's we had when I was a witness, we did work in service with him and his wife. They would accept dinner invitations no matter who you were or your social status was at the hall. I remember one time talking with them and they joking said that they had chicken at every home they went to the last few times..we all had a good laugh about that. They said it was good that they both liked chicken!
I remember this one sister and her hubby were really poor but invited the CO to dinner anyway. .They served them spagetti with sprinkled grated cheese on it and water to drink. At the time I would have been embarrased to have them over and serve such a meager meal..but they were proud to be able to serve that. I wonder if the CO's screen their dinner invitations now? There is no way they are that humble now.
I later heard that the CO's were actually sending out dietary requirements ahead of time...
I would feed them simple food on purpose. I don't believe in putting on a show. If they don't like what's in front of them, leave.
Our CO visits are big-to-dos!
Everyone actually gets invited to the after meeting meal not just the 'in' crowd. People are all around 'nice' similarly compared to worldly people during Xmas season...... (well if the CO is liked.....)
There are new dresses, everyone who has lackluster attendance is herded for a full count.
Yep big show the CO visit.