Sisters told they strictly can't wear slacks to Meetings to keep them submissive! Why?

by Witness 007 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes slacks and pants on women are Evil.....the first step to wanting to be Elders or even worse LESBIANS! SO the Watchtower in it's wisdom put a strict bad on women wearing pants at Meetings, even in Siberia or Alaska where it is freezing cold....I qoute the Governing body who said: "We need to show these Sisters who wears the pants in our Congregations...literally."

    In the 70's when it was all the rage, my mum tried wearing slacks to the hall....."go and get changed" said the Sister who studied with her. But it's fine for her husband to half a HUGE brown tie and flared pants Travolta style!

  • poopsiecakes

    This was always something that pissed me off...pantyhose drove me absolutely nuts and unless it's a real dress up occasion I'm just not a skirt/dress kinda girl. I can understand dress codes to some degree in certain situations but the arguments I've heard for the skirt rule don't hold water in the real world. Even in corporate situations, courts of law or any other business scenario, dress slacks are more than appropriate. I've never been turned down for a job because of wearing dress pants to an interview. It's just another example of pharisaical rules imposed on the r&f to keep everyone in line...grrrr...

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    What are the rules of dress for women in other churches? It's been awhile since I've inquired about the matter. Sometimes it would make sense for women to be in some type of pants outfit. (extreme cold, etc.) But, you know the WTS....ain't gonna happen.

    Think About It

  • JWoods

    Once again we see the GB/WTS sticking their noses into something not even mentioned in the bible.

  • ziddina

    Talk about painting the poor sisters into a corner!!! I could live with the "no-pants" rule [IF I were still in...] BECAUSE I have several lovely, full-length wool skirts and high boots....

    Oh. Wait a minute.... Long skirts aren't allowed either... What utter idiocy!!! If anyone is still "in", wear a long, warm, wool skirt and tell the pompous, self-righteous nitwits that long skirts were worn in 'bible times' and are a mark of MODESTY....

    Yeeeeeeaaaaassshhh!!! When I was still in, we WERE allowed to wear long skirts!!!!

    Unbeliev - a - FRIKKIN - ble.... Zid

  • yknot

    I have and still occassionally wear ruffly pantsuits........

    My standing challenge is that if an Elder is willing to wear the same get-up (heels, kneehighs, pearls or floral accent pin, with matching hair accent) out in FS with the CO and one day to his job and manage not to get called a cross-dresser I will humbly never wear the outfit again to a theocratic function.......

    So far I have had no takers.........

  • blondie

    Sisters who work at Bethel in printing jobs weren't wearing dresses...............or the ones that did painting, lawn mowing, driving trucks

  • blondie
  • yknot

    .....on another note.....

    Perhaps the real reason is so that a hubby can get a quicker poke in the backseat between driving from on part of a territory to the next....

    .....just saying....

  • BluesBrother

    WT 75 8/15 p500

    If slacks or pantsuits for women are frowned upon by many in the community, likely some different style of apparel for public dress would be advisable for a Christian sister. During cold weather she likely could arrange to be exposed to the weather for shorter periods of time, or pause more frequently to warm herself. But in frigid climates, where everyone in the community wears clothing appropriate to the weather, such as slacks, surely it is proper for Christian women to do the same. In some places, pioneers have been aided thus to maintain robust health for putting in long hours in service. If a Christian sister is unsure about a particular style, she can discuss the situation with her husband or an elder in the Christian congregation. The elders should not seek to impose their own preferences on others, but likely are in position to offer advice on what might be acceptable in their respective communities. Children should be obedient to their parents in the matters of dress and grooming.

    I don't know if that is more balance or less so? How cold is "frigid"?

    I do know that I never see female trousers at the meetings. When I was active up to a decade ago, it was a total no no around here for a woman to wear them in the Ministry, no matter what weather...Certainly in the business world it was totally acceptable.


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