Does Anyone Miss Being In The Jehovah's Witness Cult?

by minimus 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    It ain't a perfect analogy, but it will do. Just replace the "boy" with "Watchtower."

  • minimus

    Funny how this thread isn't as dumb as some of you would've thought. A lot of people get depressed because they feel they literally have "no place to go". Some seem to have no structure since leaving. But all the "negatives" are only temporary.

    I drive into New York City a lot. I see the Kingdom Hall to my left as I make my way toward the city. Whenever I see the place I smile and give it my one finger salute. It just feels right.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It was a good question Minimus.

    I DO miss the good memories I had. My experiences weren't typical, and for a while, being a JW fed a very immature, insulated worldview that I inherited.

    Of course, its just like the Matrix, once you realize what its all about, you can't go back, no matter how much you want to.

  • JWoods

    I think there must be a few here who were like me - dragged in by parents, (at pre teen age), brainwashed to do it, but still never really felt NORMAL in the JW system.

    I was ALWAYS ashamed of this religion, it's weirdness, it's inexplicable illogical and unscientific doctrines, etc. Even as an elder, this basic reservation was there - repressed.

    But still was brainwashed enough that it took an effort to break loose.

    Getting out was nothing but relief - no matter who I had to leave behind there.

  • minimus

    Thanks Jeff. See....that's the thing....because we might've had some good memories, some people are thrown off by that. They miss the good times that they remembered, their family get togethers, their "friends".

  • isaacaustin

    JWoods, I felt similarly to you growing up.

  • minimus

    As a JW raised in the religion, we are told that we are different and it means Jehovah loves us, approves of us. We take ridicule as kids because we're being persecuted for righteousness' sake. Then we get older, start examining things and mentally start the exodus out of JWism. It usually takes years.

  • nugget

    I miss knowing it was all going to be alright , but I realise it was an illusion and a lie. I really hate being lied to.

  • Magwitch

    I hated every aspect of the cult, however I do miss having a mother and father that were so proud of me because I was such a perfect Jdub for 41 years. Now they are just embarrassed because I am your average 44 year old atheist.

  • minimus

    but a good lookin' 44 year old atheist.

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