How a teenage boy helped end the Cold War with Russia

by moshe 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Sometimes people claim than an individual can't change the world, but I guess Matthias Rust , a 19 year old West German, never heard that one. In 1987 he flew a private all the way to Moscow to plead for world peace and his unbelievable flight probably did more to end the Cold war than a bevy of professional diplomats.

    I am hoping an idealistic young person will bring down the WT org, too.

  • moshe

    Tomorrow, May 28th marks the 23rd anniversary of his flight to Moscow. I marvel at his courage and compare it to most JW's who are scared to make even one comment to question or expose the WT at a Kingdom Hall, for fear they will get Df'd and mommy and daddy will stop talking to them.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    To make such disparaging remarks about people who don’t want to lose contact with loved ones, shows what a cold and nasty person you really are.

  • moshe

    Get in line BP, a lot of faders don't like my bluntness. However, denigrating a person does not make their words less true. I am sorry, if I personally offended you. My desire is to expose the WT cult, that is all.

  • JWoods

    To make such disparaging remarks about people who don’t want to lose contact with loved ones, shows what a cold and nasty person you really are.

    What in the world are you talking about, Broken Promises???

    Moshe posted something on a kid who flew a plane into red square, and you come up with THAT???

  • undercover

    I think BP is commenting on more than just the post about the plane. Moshe is more of an "in your face" kind of guy when it comes to leaving the WTS. He doesn't pull punches about his thoughts on certain types of fading.

    We've debated it before. I dig where he's coming from though we've gone about our exit differently. Some others though weren't so hip to his message.

  • Clint Bussey
    Clint Bussey

    BP & Moshe I agree with both of you in a way. It is VERY hard to lose your relationship with your family (trust me I have and know), but being silent isn't the course of action either. After 10 years of being treated different and talked down to by my parents, and shunned, and keeping silent my thoughts on the world in front of them, I finally bit the bullet and made that painful decision. I have no relationship at all with my parents right now, and in fact I told them that I would rather not talk to them at all if they don't treat me like a son. But my brother was able to break free from that mind control, and just two weeks ago, he gave them a call and told them what he really thinks about their insolent treatment of their children. In fact, several people have stood up to the WT authority structure in my area after I became very vocal and active. Once you make a stand, you will feel better, and actually losing an abusive mentally diseased family is not that bad. Moshe I am idealistic like you seem to be, and I get impatient too. It may seem like the end of the world to cause such a social earthquake, but it is worth all the sacrifice. And you may gain your family eventually.

  • daniel-p

    post deleted - Lady lee

  • JWoods
    We've debated it before. I dig where he's coming from though we've gone about our exit differently. Some others though weren't so hip to his message.

    OK, Undercover - probably so. But I too dig the point that a lot of JW dissidents just sit on the fringes for comfort without doing a damn thing - and that they could take a lot more direct action.

    For what it is worth, I remember that incident (and had a plane of my own at the time). The general concensus among the private aviation community that I knew was that this was more of a publicity stunt than having anything to do with world peace. We did think is was very cool, though.

    Did it really have much to do with ending the cold war? I doubt it - but probably it ended some U.S.S.R. air defence careers for sure.

  • moshe

    Daniel P- you have violated TOS #1-

    JWoods- Mathias Rust had written a peace plan and he delivered it to Russia. I am sure they ignored it, but he had a plan.

    Russians had been told they were going to be attacked from the west and here a young boy flies to Russia and nothing happens- no thermonuclear war, no poison gas attack, nothing- just a kid who wants world peace and is brave enough to try and make it happen. The attitude changes among everyday Russians- Maybe the west is not going to attack us after all.

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