Historic Turning Point After Century in Brooklyn, Watchtower Pulls Out of Heights

by Dogpatch 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • leec

    Brooklyn Heights real estate is absolutely worth more than gold. The prophets will reap gigantic profits.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I saw this one coming on 9/11. It scared the crap out of them

  • AllTimeJeff

    I agree with Lee... 9/11 started it... And now, they are going to reap a windfall that will keep them solvent for 10 years.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    An effort to isolate themselves from reality.

  • shamus100

    I'm very pleased they're not coming to Canada. I don't want those mo-mo's up here!

  • dissed

    No windfall until they sell the rest of the properties, no?

    So they are going to proceed with the new projects, while still holding on to the Brooklyn assets, waitng for the real estate market to improve?

    Either somebody has a lot of cash stashed or they are taking a risk of spreading themselves a little thin.

    My guess, is they are selling the Spain holdings to finance the new projects.

  • zoiks

    An effort to isolate themselves from reality

    That is the first thing that jumped into my mind, too. They will be holed up in a compound miles from nowhere.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


    Dick Devine my old table head.

  • besty
    Dick Devine my old table head.

    quite the pornstar theme going on there...:-))

  • moshe

    The workers won't like the move- NYC had plenty of ways to burn off stress/boredom and a cheap public transit system to get around. The workers at Warrick will be totally isolated from the rest of society. I predict lots more depression and no inexpensive package liquor store to buy their booze- no way to blend in with a million people- always being watched. No fun at all.

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