A piece of advice: Don't try to use logic to understand this behavior. The whole thing is based on fear and guilt.
No JW (no human, for that matter) of sound mind and good judgment would condone pedophilia or consider it just an 'inconvenience' or think having a pedophile around is a piece of cake (or a wiener). The key is that JW behavior is not governed by logical reasoning, but by fear and guilt.
My point is their main concern is the 'Status Quo'. If to keep it you have to consider a pedophile a 'minor inconvenience', that's what they will do. That leads them to accept liars, cheater, drunks, and all sort of dishonest people, too frequently even in leading positions. Their judgment is twisted by fear and guilt, disguised as love, forgiveness and respect for 'mother'.
In the congregation 'it is what it is'. It's 'Status Quo' no matter what. Reacting in a sound logical manner would disrupt the order of things.
This is the train of thought (or the fear trip, if you will): You don't wanna piss off elders. You don't want to mess with the CO. The pedophiles have families, conexions, ties... you don't want to disturb that. You don't want to be the 'hot-head'. Why bother? Why risk your social life? Look at sister Life is too short! She's a living example of how concentrating on other's faults is damaging to your spirituality.. etc. etc. etc.
Then add some guilt: Almost certainly those elder's wives know dirty little secrets about a lot of people within the congregation. Probably they have their own little dirty secrets. Why stir up things? It could come around and bite you right there!
Years ago visiting a congregation, I tried to dig deeper into certain situations involving some MS and their families (Am talking wrongdoing not juts low averages), and an elder, told me "Don't you know, brother Churchill, that stirring up the old sh** always brings very bad odors?". Years later I realized it was his admission that his congregation was just a big pile of sh**.