Elders wife says being upset with pedophiles in the hall being the same as having to eat sauerkraut and wieners.

by life is to short 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • winstonchurchill

    A piece of advice: Don't try to use logic to understand this behavior. The whole thing is based on fear and guilt.

    No JW (no human, for that matter) of sound mind and good judgment would condone pedophilia or consider it just an 'inconvenience' or think having a pedophile around is a piece of cake (or a wiener). The key is that JW behavior is not governed by logical reasoning, but by fear and guilt.

    My point is their main concern is the 'Status Quo'. If to keep it you have to consider a pedophile a 'minor inconvenience', that's what they will do. That leads them to accept liars, cheater, drunks, and all sort of dishonest people, too frequently even in leading positions. Their judgment is twisted by fear and guilt, disguised as love, forgiveness and respect for 'mother'.

    In the congregation 'it is what it is'. It's 'Status Quo' no matter what. Reacting in a sound logical manner would disrupt the order of things.

    This is the train of thought (or the fear trip, if you will): You don't wanna piss off elders. You don't want to mess with the CO. The pedophiles have families, conexions, ties... you don't want to disturb that. You don't want to be the 'hot-head'. Why bother? Why risk your social life? Look at sister Life is too short! She's a living example of how concentrating on other's faults is damaging to your spirituality.. etc. etc. etc.

    Then add some guilt: Almost certainly those elder's wives know dirty little secrets about a lot of people within the congregation. Probably they have their own little dirty secrets. Why stir up things? It could come around and bite you right there!

    Years ago visiting a congregation, I tried to dig deeper into certain situations involving some MS and their families (Am talking wrongdoing not juts low averages), and an elder, told me "Don't you know, brother Churchill, that stirring up the old sh** always brings very bad odors?". Years later I realized it was his admission that his congregation was just a big pile of sh**.

  • BorgHater

    That's a great little poem RosePetal (mum), it completely sums them up.

  • garyneal

    I don't have time to comment right now but I am marking for later.

  • poopsiecakes

    I read the OP last night before going to bed and this whole thing is mind blowing to me. I can't stop thinking about your interaction with this elder's wife. How can anyone not hear the logic of your arguments, LITS? How is it OK to turn a blind eye to a pedophile and then threaten to disfellowship YOU for doing your civic duty in warning the congregation that there are predators in their midst? Every expert agrees that pedophilia is a recidivist condition, so how can they not do the math in their own heads??

    Meanwhile, if anyone questions the logic of their blood stance, asks about Jesus only being a mediator for the 144,000 or the wacky definitions of what a generation means, THEY are the threat. I just don't get it...

  • Elsewhere

    > His bosses boss was a survivor of Auschwitz so he told this kid "You think you know everything, but you don't know the difference between in inconvenience and and problem. If you break you neck, if you have nothing to eat, if you house is on fire-then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer. And will not annoy people like me so much. Good night." This kid said Seldom in my life have I been hit between the eyes so hard with the truth.

    Yeah, but something tells me the boss was not eating sauerkraut and wieners. It's easy to say someone is crying about nothing... until you walk a mile in their shoes.

    I want to see boss man eat sauerkraut and wieners all the time and see what he thinks of it.

  • TardNFeatheredJW

    Okay, don't even try to make sense of this. Research rape in WT literature and you will see the mindset. Do you think the GB sees any difference between a 25 yr old drunk hottie getting gang raped and a child being molested? I doubt it, and the track record shows it. I think the only reason they haven't printed "the children asked for it" is that someone from the legal department probably caught it in editting. No shit, these are the evilest bunch of skunks you could put in a boardroom. To them its the child's fault, its the women's fault, and there should be compassion for the perp.

    The misogynistic attitude of the WTBTS and the elders has been a pet peeve of mine since childhood.

  • looloo

    this really pisses me off , its because of weirdos like that woman that my child was "inconvienenced" im not a violent person but i would like to smack her in her smug , self rightous gob so she never says anything so ignorant ever again ! bastards , im feeling angry !

  • Too Opinionated
    Too Opinionated

    I had an elder's wife ask me why I cared so much about the pedophile issue in our hall because-and I quote her-"it didn't happen to YOUR kids."

  • Heaven

    The whole pedophile issue is disgusting especially since the WTS has bad-mouthed Catholics for years about the same problem.

    The GB knows there is a huge problem here. Children are in danger!! Why aren't they doing something about it?!! For starters, implement a background check on people. Secondly, inform parents of predators amongst them. Thirdly, tell these people they cannot be JWs. Seems pretty simple to me.

    I agree with looloo! This issue really pisses me off!! I want nothing to do with "Pedophile Paradise".

  • RosePetal

    The JWs can be like a herd of deer a vulnerable one is targeted by a lion gets eaten they scatter five minutes later they regroup as if nothing has ever happened because it didn't happen to them. And the mother is left looking for her baby.

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