The JWs can be like a herd of deer a vulnerable one is targeted by a lion gets eaten they scatter five minutes later they regroup as if nothing has ever happened because it didn't happen to them. And the mother is left looking for her baby.
Elders wife says being upset with pedophiles in the hall being the same as having to eat sauerkraut and wieners.
by life is to short 45 Replies latest jw friends
Hang on to your convictions, life is short. That had to be the stupidist analogy I've ever heard.
Wow, I haven't read anything that angered me so much in a while as reading this post. If I had been the recipient of this letter I would not be silent. I would have to give her a piece of my mind especially in view of what you have gone through. I would tell her that all she succeeded in doing was to show how ignorant and callous she is to relate a tacky story and attempt to compare it to my life story.
So, there are still pedophiles running around with everybody's blessings? I thought this problem was under control. [I am being sarcastic]
I would be curious to know the percentage of those without kids who feel sorry for these pedophiles as opposed to the percentage of people with kids who feel sorry for them. I cannot believe that any parent in their right mind would feel relaxed in the presence of somebody they know is a pedophile.
Your post is so funny!
If every known JW child molester was logged into a public site, it could be the end of the WTS as we know it.
Can you imagine what the google map would look like? It would appear like the entire organization was infiltrated by molesters.
We were shocked to see who was a registered sex offender in our area. Our small town was full of these guys. Four streets over, someone had been released from prison. My daughter called her friend who lived on the same street, she and her parents hadn't a clue and were shocked. They went door to door warning everyone. Now ALL the neighbors know.
If the KH's were mapped this way, can you see why I feel the WTS would be in such trouble and why the GB is trying SO HARD to hide this stuff?
Would anybody study with them, let alone actually go to their meetings? JW's would be switching KH's to get away, and some quit altogether because of the GB and Elders protecting them.
THEY MUST KEEP THIS HIDDEN AT ALL COSTS. Their very survival depends on this secrecy.
I've responded to such things with sarcasm, and it kind of works. Your mileage may vary.
"Hey Sister Stepford, Thanks so much for your encouraging letter and the Reader's Digest story. I know I can always count on you to make lemonade out of lemons. You are a wonderful servant of Jah. (parenthetical reference to scripture about being truthful even when the truth isn't palatable)
"The story was really interesting, about inconveniences when compared with what's really important. I hope the parents of those babies I mentioned in my letter are teaching them that valuable lesson--not to be too upset about a child rapist touching them. It really is what Jehovah asks of his servants. (parenthetical reference to scripture saying child abuse should not be tolerated)
"I mean, you're right. Child abuse is just like having the same boring meal day after day. A mere annoyance. I shouldn't worry myself about trying to prevent a child from being raped, or from eating weiners. (scripture saying Xians have a duty to warn)"
I felt I should send her a thank you card even though I hate the gift. It is the thought that counts right.
If the thought was genuine, non-manipulative, yes. I'm thinking this one wasn't.
Lady Lee
How in the world do these people justify hiding child rapist? How?
It's called denial. Jehovah will take care of it in His own due time. Meanwhile little children and their parents are being tested like JOb.
Find a few scriptures, link them together and make it say whatever you want it to say.
And never ever disagree with the way the organization works.
LIFE IS TOO SHORT- As you are well aware, most of the people in your former congregation are mentally insane. Especially the elders and their wives - from what you've told me and my wife on the phone. For this elders wife to give a lame illustration comparing child abuse to inconvenience of eating weiners and sauerkraut is astronomically stupid on her part - about as stupid as an elephant claiming it has small ears.
As some have said the WT society is trying to cover this up at ANY COST or EXPENSE of children's safety. It is just another proof that Jehovah's Witnesses and the WT society are morally bankrupt. They have no dignity, and have no shame . Essentially the leaders of this cult are outlaws . Hang in there sis, my wife and I are here for you
life is to short
Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this. I was so mad, when I got the letter I could not even read it all the way through, I knew she was going to say something stupid. But as mad as I get I really cannot do anything.
I have went so far as to even get the police records. To do that I told the police I talked to who I was that I was a Jehovah's Witnesses and why I wanted them. The police were appalled that Jehovah's Witnesses send these men door to door. I had one Sharif tell me that if my church allows such men in the church then I need to find a new church.
One detective found a law in my state that says it is against the law for the elders to allow convicted pedophiles to hold children. If I had known of the law I could have snapped pictures of the level 3 child molester holding the little girl and turned the pictures into the police. Unfortunately before I knew of the law I had thrown a fit when this child molester went so far as to dance with the child in the back of the hall and the elder finally put a stop to it. Now the elders lie and say it never happened. I am like OMG. It so did happen. No sister LITS you are just making it up and the wives go along with it.
The police say they have to have prof. The police know I am not lying, they have read the court and police records but so far no new victims have come forward. So the child rapist are clean in the eyes of the law. The police I have talked to are frustrated too. But until a law is broken that I can prove there is nothing I can do expect stop going to the meetings, as it is just driving me totally crazy.
I tired to point out the fact that child molesters do not stop to the elders but that is all worldly wisdom they say. I have books that I tried to show the elders but they got mad especially the attorney elder. He was so red faced and just peer angry he said "I will not look at worldly wisdom." When I pointed out that the books I have are quoted in the WT and Awakes on child abuse the elders just get even more mad.
All of this is so crazy. If I did not experience it for myself I would not believe it. If I were reading this thread I would think that LITS was adding to the picture. Sometimes I think I am. It so totally insane.
I had the husband of the wife who sent me this stupid letter come by to encourage me last October. I brought up the fact the elders broke the law by allowing the lever 3 dropped down now to a level 2 sex offender to hold the little girl. This elder turned to me and said that it never happened. I was just blown away. Fortunately the other elder who was with him and was not even in the hall at the time it happened said I have heard it did happen to the young elder. I was like thank God. The husband of this wife just looked blank. He was so totally lying and got caught. But why lie?
I am just so mad. Reb18 I totally plain on saying what you mentioned the next time I see this woman. It is all so crazy.
Thanks for everyones take on this. I also just wanted to show how stupid this is.
And yet they disfellowship over the smallest things..smoking etc.
Child abuse is a serious thing. Good for you taking a stand against liars..
The problems is that as a witness I witnessed a lot of "Jehovah will take care of it " attitudes and it's probably still the same way.
The trouble is they are sacrificing their children while waiting for "Jehovah" to take care of the abusers...who will save the children now?
Apologies if anyone already pointed this out, but weiners + sauerkraut = yum! (as long as there is also mustard)