Go slap her with your weiner...
Elders wife says being upset with pedophiles in the hall being the same as having to eat sauerkraut and wieners.
by life is to short 45 Replies latest jw friends
white washed tombs filled with decay and rot
aka kingdom halls
The JWs can be like a herd of deer a vulnerable one is targeted by a lion gets eaten they scatter five minutes later they regroup as if nothing has ever happened because it didn't happen to them. And the mother is left looking for her baby.
That is a really good illustration. Spot on.
Wait a minute...this whole 'pedophile' issue has be baffled! So y'all are telling me that a convicted sex offender in the U.S. has to - register within the county they are living in as a 'sex offender', they have to notify their neighborhood of their offense (in certain states), and Meagan's Law requires all of this - YET - JWs org/cong does NOT make this persons 'offense' public within the cong?????
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT get this. If JWs are to follow the laws of the land, and the law demands these perverts be made public, WHY is their standing protectted in the walls of a KHall?
LITS, I happened to mention your story to a friend who is not a jw and he was floored and wanted to know where the creep lived. Too bad I don't have that info...fortunate for the creep.
I'm still trying to get over that lame gift with the wording that makes no sense whatsoever. Anyways, don't these stupid people realize that the Kingdom Halls are a playground for child molesters. Do they think these guys are at the meetings to enjoy the two hours of lectures?
The WTS hides behind the clergy-penitent law where "clergy" in this case interpreted by the WTS as elders, do not have to report sex offenders. Not every state in the US has this law, that is why the elders have to call Legal at WT Headquarters to see where they stand legally. They don't mind hiding behind Caesar's laws when it "benefits" them.
BABYGIRL 30- Blondie hit the nail on the head to your question. But I might add that the WT society does NOT want members to be aware of lurking pedophiles in their congregations because if it was found out, more people would leave the JW cult. They are more concerned about retaining members, ANY members , than it leaking out to the public or their own people that they try to hide the sexual crimes of these child molesters. More concern is given about alleged " respectable image " of the organization- than protecting innocent children from sexual deviants. It's really disgusting and unconscionable
The key issue here is control. Pedophiles are master manipulators. They know that all they have to do is seemingly submit to the elders, and then the kh is their perverted playground with the two witness rule in place. Then the delusion of control travels its way up the ladder from the level of elder all the way to the governing body. The odd man out, so to speak, is the victim, unless of course, the molester had the inclination to invite a second witness. Dirty bastards...I grieve for all of those kids who are exposed to these sickos and then are re-victimized by a corrupt corporation.
Keep your chin up, LITS. You did the right thing!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"What do you say to something so stupid?"
That's a though question when dealing with someone so totally "Stepford wife".
"Then this elders wife ended her letter with a promise of to tell me about her "funny experience at the cemetery." I cannot wait."
Ask her if this "funny experience at the cemetery" involved a pedophile and an innocent young child. She really sounds warped.