Is Richard Dawkins an ostentatious acrimonious supercilious pusillanimous calumnious censorious vituperative querulous embittered obsessive and bombastic bully?

by slimboyfat 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    It seems some people didn't get the joke in the title.

    Thanks Jeff for appreciating the video. Those of us who tend toward atheism/agnosticism should be able to take constructive criticism as well as a poke at our own side in good humour.

  • PSacramento

    I've seen some of his debates and most of them show him to be a rather closed minded extremist.

    However, his debate with Alister Mcgrath was excellent, Richard made is pointes without being rude, condesending or a "bully" and Alister did the same and it was an excellent example of a debate were people focussed on their points and didn't make it "personal".

  • slimboyfat

    Did he finally debate McGrath? That's interesting. McGrath has complained in the past that Dawkins wouldn't debate with him. I'll need to see if it's on youtube. I have read a few of McGrath's books including The Dawkins Delusion and The Twilight of Atheism, and I thought they were very poor.

  • PSacramento

    Yep, their debate is on youtube in both edited and uneidted format.

  • agonus

    I've seen Dawkins called on the carpet a couple of times. He gets visibly flustered the same way many Witnesses do when aggressively (or even passively) questioned. Like the dubs, I believe the three words Dawkins is most afraid of are "I don't know."


    A thread with eleven,Ten Dollar words in the Title..

    This thread is officially worth $110.00..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW


    Richard Dawkins is the voice crying in the wilderness - but the desert will blossom just like the rose.

    It's all in the Bible so it must be true!

  • Pistoff

    It is great to hear people complain about a bombastic asshole that is NOT a christian or muslim; it is so unusual, it is NOTEWORTHY

  • Pistoff

    I heard Dawkins speak once, much less aggressive and much more intellectual than his book The God Delusion.

    To me the book was polemic; I have had enough of that.

    More interested in raw data and historical overviews.


  • Scully

    I've read The God Delusion, as well as listened to The God Delusion, as read by Richard Dawkins, in audiobook format. Personally, I rather enjoy his passion for atheism, and have to disagree with another listener of my acquaintance who found his voice to be quite irritating and "superior sounding".

    I'd venture to say that he's no less passionate or "superior sounding" than anyone else who is passionate about and well-versed in their religious beliefs, but to each their own.

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