You guys are cracking me up!
I say unto thee that before the tree buds open into leaves we will see yet another snow storm which will most assuredly melt.
by Witness 007 25 Replies latest social humour
You guys are cracking me up!
I say unto thee that before the tree buds open into leaves we will see yet another snow storm which will most assuredly melt.
Truly I say to you, false prophets will come. And there will be scrolls written about them, not on papyrus, not on sheepskin, but on invisible paper, yet all the world will be able to read those words. And truly I tell you the pages of those scrolls will reach over 10.000, and the rejoicing will be great. And it will be known among the initiated as... JWN.
there will continue to be refinements to the profound concept of "this generation" a concept that has baffled and eluded fools who have tried unsuccessfully to grasp its true position in the stream of time. the pursuit of the end will just get deeper and deeper and deeper as it seems always to be just over the horizon or as a mirage in a desert.
This is for the current GB......
I predict they will actually say, JC talked to them individually and instructed them what to do and teach.
They already claim the authority like the Pope as God's only comunication to the faithful.
Its only a matter of time, (like the Mormns do) before they claim when they pray he answers right back verbally. (in-my-humble-prophetic-opinion)
The child just born unto brother and sister Du'gooder will become a GB member in the year 2065.
Over the next 100 years, over 7 Billion people will die.
Yet, the end is not.
Christ will be invisibly ruling the heavens for a 1000 years; and, the Faithful and Discreet Slave will see him; but, you cannot.
I`m going to get up and make coffee..
I really mean it this time..
Tonight I`m going to enjoy a cold Beer..
Right now I have to make Coffee..
.......................... ...OUTLAW
I've got gass and I know I'm gonna fart...there...prophecy fulfilled..