Behold the SUV of the apocolypse! Within does the antisoccermom ride, in her left hand she weilds the most unclean cellphone, and with her right she does swerve the SUV. And look! A third of the freeway did fall before her, seven horns did sound, six fingers of anger were thrust before her, and there was much gnashing of teeth.
Post YOUR obvious Prophecy for the future...if correct you can join my Governing Body!!
by Witness 007 25 Replies latest social humour
torn in two son
I say to you, these Mayan false prophets will cause a great stir of a telling of a climatic end to the world, and much pandomonium of uneducated ones will rise.
I can assure you, that a star, larger, brighter and whiter than all the others will arise in the night sky, and as it grows and shrinks, it will cause about great changes in the seas, but do not be alarmed, these shall only be for a little while.
then again, when the bible, governing body, elders, speakers, say "a little while", we never really know what that means. *AHEM* Stay Alive Until '65.
End of the Borg
There will continue to be growth but do not dispair. You will hear reports of changing interpretations of the Generation but the end will not yet come. No one knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in the heavens, only the Borg upon receipt of the lawsuit that will clean out their offshore accounts.
And the Good News about the failings of the Borg will be preached throughout the whole internet community so that all the nations will read it and then the end will come.
torn in two son
oops! that's what happens when you try acting smart - you mess something up -
Stay Alive Until '75.
(prayerful consideration and counsel from my father has led me to sign off as 'Torn' so as not to evoke a misogynistic attitude. Anyone who may have been offended, please know I fully agree with the equality of women and men alike)
There will be signs in the heavens. Yep there it is - an aeroplane with an advertising banner.
The sun'll come out, tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun.